Jesus Was Transgender, Dontcha Know, So Therefore The Mentally Ill Can Use Any Bathroom They Want – IOTW Report

Jesus Was Transgender, Dontcha Know, So Therefore The Mentally Ill Can Use Any Bathroom They Want

Huff Poop-

The current flap in conservative Christian circles about bathroom access is a bit baffling. They shout about God not making mistakes, as if God only works in binaries and anything falling outside of black and white cannot be from him. But we don’t have a black and white God; creation is so full of color and variation that it’s incomprehensible how we Christians struggle to pare him down to the limited palette of our individual expectations.

The worst offenders are the Christian’s who claim to take the Bible literally. Of course they don’t actually do that; they impose their own filters on stories and phrases to fit their particular ideology. If they really did as they claim to do, they would quickly see that Jesus must be, by their own exegetical rules, the first transgender male.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible and Christianity tell us.

The teaching of the church from ancient days through today is that Jesus received his fleshly self from Mary. The church also teaches that Jesus is the new Adam, born of the new Eve.

Now Eve is a fascinating creature for many reasons. The Bible tells us she is the first example of human cloning, which I touched on in this post. But the fun doesn’t stop there. If we take the Genesis account in it’s literal meaning, as conservative Christians demand that we do, she is also the first case of a transgender woman. God reached into Adam, pulled out a bit of rib bone, and grew Eve from that XY DNA into Adam’s companion. She was created genetically male, and yet trans-formed into woman.

Then along comes Jesus and the whole pattern is both repeated and reversed. The first couple’s refusal to cooperate is turned around by Mary’s yes, and the second act of cloning occurs. The Holy Spirit comes upon the second Eve, and the child takes flesh from her and is born. Born of her flesh. Born with XX chromosome pairing. Born genetically female, and yet trans-formed into man.

States that do not support trans persons’ right to choose the restroom that fits their identity demand that bathroom usage be based on a person’s “biological sex.” One can imagine a future in which state licences require not only a vision test, but also a genetic test so that bouncers proofing at bathroom doors have something tangible to review. And that means that if Jesus and Eve were walking around today, perhaps shopping at the mall for a Father’s Day gift, they’d have to swap restrooms. Now Jesus could surely manage to finesse his way around a woman’s room, but poor Eve…

A quick look at the dictionary for the prefix “trans” tells us that it means “across,” “beyond,” “through,” and “changing thoroughly,” all of which are great terms for the person of Christ. He cuts across all boundaries. He is beyond our understanding. He is through all and in all. He changes us thoroughly into new creations.

In his person, and in his salvific actions, Jesus is truly the first and forever trans man.

ht/ annie

14 Comments on Jesus Was Transgender, Dontcha Know, So Therefore The Mentally Ill Can Use Any Bathroom They Want

  1. Proceeding from the premise of man as god, the argument makes perfect sense. Anything God could do as a miracle any human can do in a public rest room through the “miracle” of self-identification.

    This idiot thinks his/her/its argument should be compelling to Christians, never considering they might not share this one itty-bitty little premise. I’m sure it’s made its way into some progressive churches (maybe those who discuss “non-theist” ministers for more than a nanosecond?) but must of us aren’t on board with it, so the argument is just more humanist nonsense.

  2. What a load of sophomoronic shit.

    Ever see a “trans-gendered” deer? A doe walking around with branches tied to her head, pretending she’s a buck?

    Ever see a gander lay an egg?

    Ever see a mincing faggot rabbit try to suck the dicks of other rabbits?

    Perversion is unnatural, by definition.
    And in fact.

    The severely mentally ill (which the “trans-gendered” are) need help, not a society which protects and enforces their delusions.

    The fact that they use the word “gender” (which is grammatical) instead of “sex” (which is biological) gives lie to their foolish and dangerous arguments.

    Their agenda is to upset and discredit the social order, which has persisted since time, immemorial, to be replaced by a tyranny of constantly changing mores – decided by them – to the exclusion of all reason – for the purpose of control.

    They exist because we allow them existence – when they become too outrageous and we realize our peril – it may be too late.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Scripture is replete with admonitions against false teachers.
    1 Tim 4:3, 2 Pet. 2:1, 1 John 4:1 and there are many more warnings by the apostles against these anti-Christ propagandists.
    False teachers distract you from the truth, cause confusion among weak Christians and can create schisms in the Church. Look at what the homosexual advocates have done to the Episcopalians.

  4. you have to work really really hard to be this much of an ….this much of…..this much…..this……

    you have to work really really hard to be this much of someone no one can possibly describe on the interwebs without being banned…….

    congratulations……you’ve won the award for being someone who has worked really really hard to be this much of an….this much of….this much….this……

    this much of someone no one can possibly describe on the interwebs without being banned……

    you are just another wonderful special snowflake in the coming summer of life……..oh my god, you’re melting…..MELTING……..

    try education……you have to do it yourself, for it to work…..but you really should try it…….

    or else….you can just melt…..hey, i’m perfectly cool with that……


  5. posit :
    there is no such thing as objective reality.


    well, then, obviously there’s no such thing as male or female, black or white, night or day, food or poison, plant or animal, alive or dead, RIGHT OR WRONG, red or green or blue or yellow or brown or black or white,
    republican or democrat, GOOD OR EVIL, tasty or yucky, hot or cold, wet or dry, awake or asleep, up or down, dog or cat, elephant or mouse…..

    as long as we can understand the difference between these categories i’ve listed in my expostion, we will still be able to tell the difference between OBJECTIVE REALITY, and the SUBJECTIVE reality that the leftists are trying to force on us…..for example CAITLYN JENNER……who IS A MAN…..that is OBJECTIVE REALITY……objective reality does not care one whit what bruce jenner thinks…..OBJECTIVE reality KNOWS that bruce jenner is A MAN…….OBJECTIVE reality knows that bruce jenner will ALWAYS be a man, no matter how much he distorts his body…..

    but SUBJECTIVE reality requires everyone – EVERYONE – to pretend to believe someone’s psychotic delusions are, actually, the reality…..brucie thinks he’s caitlyn……YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE…..

    there’s this little thing in the Bible – and i know, who cares about the Bible anyway……but it’s pretty clear…about people who call good “evil”…..and people who call evil “good”…..

    there used to be something like that in the American psychiatric community – about calling very sick people “NORMAL”…and calling normal people “VERY SICK”……

    seems like both forms of wisdom have been sent to the memory hole…..

    long live WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!!

    jeffrey dahlmer would be proud of us…..if he had the chance…..along with john wayne gasey, ted bundy, charlie manson, and the whole next generation of them, who will benefit from their pioneer efforts to force us to accept their civil rights to their own forms of sexual orientation…….

    NAMBLA to the RESCUE!!!!!


    AND ALL SHAME ON YOU “NORMAL” PEOPLE……how DARE you think you’re better than us????

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