Jewish Democrat Thrown Out of ‘Muslims4Peace’ Event for Calling Rashida Tlaib Antisemitic – IOTW Report

Jewish Democrat Thrown Out of ‘Muslims4Peace’ Event for Calling Rashida Tlaib Antisemitic

Breitbart: Former New York State Democrat lawmaker Dov Hikind was tossed out of an event after confronting Rep. Rashida Tlaib (R-MI) on her past antisemitic remarks.

“Police just ejected me from an event of @Muslims4Peace at @RutgersU which was a fine event until @RashidaTlaib showed up. I challenged her about her antisemitism and spreading of an anti-Jewish blood libel! She had no answer for me,” Hikind tweeted. “They will never silence us!”

The crowd started shouting “Rashida!” “Rashida!” as Hikind was escorted out of the room. read more

16 Comments on Jewish Democrat Thrown Out of ‘Muslims4Peace’ Event for Calling Rashida Tlaib Antisemitic

  1. It is about time liberal American Jews open their eyes and see the party they support are now openly and proud anti-Semites. Much like blacks it is time to stop blindly supporting the party of suppression and hatred. It should be embarrassing to drive around with a Proud Jewish Democrat sticker.

  2. He is a Fucking Idiot!

    1) Become Republican (Democrats have been usurped for decades)
    2) You Can’t change a piece of shit’s mind (Tlaib)
    3) What did he think would happen? Tlaib openly hates Jews, the rest of them either hide their hatred of surpress it.

    My Wife is Jewish and WE both DO NOT understand why so many Jews claim to stand with Israel but vote for the party that actively undermines Christians and Jews alike.

    Remaining a Democrat while people like her are part of the party means he is an IDIOT! He Probably still donates to the party of hate, division & real racism.

    Exodus just like Moses. Leave & take your money & skillset.

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