Jihad Kitty – IOTW Report

Jihad Kitty

FDR in Hell sends us the latest in Jihadi propaganda.

I guess they are trying for a makeover… by releasing a picture of a kitten that isn’t beheaded.

But the soft cell sell doesn’t last too long. Articles in the magazine where the kitty appeared went right back to their murderous threats-

The mag also includes ISIS’ most chilling warning to Christians in the UK and western Europe yet.

It advises that “hidden soldiers of the caliphate” will unleash more attacks on western cities until “Christian disbelievers submit and convert”.

Chapters titled “why we hate you” and “the destruction of the western woman” as well as pictures of the bloodied aftermath of recent attacks in France, Belgium and Germany all feature in 82-pages-long Breaking The Cross.




13 Comments on Jihad Kitty

  1. That must is the before shot… a minute later he put the cat in a cage and dropped it in the river, a vat of acid or lit it on fire. He is just pondering his choices in that photo hence the enjoyment.

  2. moslems like smokey old poo rooms and tight mountain goats,
    Little worn puppies and children and girls to exploit.
    Them that don’t know him don’t want to and that do,
    end up in a puddle of goo

    Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be moslems.
    Don’t let ’em pick sitars or drive them suicide trucks.
    Let ’em be doctors and lawyers and such.
    Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be moslems.
    ‘Cos they’ll never stay home and the women they’ll stone
    Even with some that they love.

  3. “hidden soldiers of the caliphate” will unleash more attacks on western cities until “Christian disbelievers submit and convert”.

    That right there is what you write in the next bill outlawing muslim refugees.

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