Jihadi Johns crossing over to Jihadi Janes to escape Mosul – IOTW Report

Jihadi Johns crossing over to Jihadi Janes to escape Mosul


The progressive lib-left’s growing obsession with coddling the transgendered is giving big ideas to ISIS terrorists.

The latest ‘minority’, granted sweeping special favors by uber politically correct governments, trannies are no longer just cropping up in school bathrooms and locker rooms, their props are now copied by terrorists on the run.

So far ISIS fighters dress as women and wear makeup to avoid capture but fail miserably. (The Mirror, July 22, 2017.)

“ISIS fighters have dressed up as woman and caked their faces in makeup in a bid to avoid being caught by Iraqi authorities after losing their stronghold in Mosul.”

Hang on a second, isn’t that misogynist?

Not all women wear dresses. Hillary Clinton has been sporting her signature pantsuits for decades.

Not all women come botoxed, a la Nancy Pelosi, nor do they turn up at the office in dramatic purple eye shadow.

“One militant was pictured trying to disguise himself with bright red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, mascara and foundation – but he didn’t bother to shave his face. (The Mirror)

In the infidel world it’s always five o’clock shadow somewhere.

15 Comments on Jihadi Johns crossing over to Jihadi Janes to escape Mosul

  1. He must have been unable to shave his remaining facial hair after he dulled the razor too badly shaving off that little sliver in the middle of his single eyebrow.

  2. Congratulations! … I think we have our first Jihadi Cis-Gendered fag boy!
    bet he/she get’s his/her dance card filled at every Saturday ISIS sock-hop!
    (btw, Boy George called … he wants his look back)

    seriously … we’re losing to these cross-dressers?

  3. “One militant was pictured trying to disguise himself with bright red lipstick, purple eyeshadow, mascara and foundation – but he didn’t bother to shave his face. (The Mirror)”
    don’t muslim women have beards?

  4. Now, cross-dressing…isn’t that a Western ‘infidel’ custom? These schitz are nothing more than pansy-arsed f’ing taqqiya-filled RuPaul faggy goat-f*ckers who haven’t ever learned to keep their bodies clean and FREE from LICE, TB, RUBELLA and SCABIES!

    Drive them OUT!!!

  5. I am surprised that these men were discovered and how they were recognized. I have been to over 11 Feminist rallies in the last four years and the women at these events look exactly the same …What is the secret/

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