Jill Biden Can Add “Scumbag” to Her Official Title – IOTW Report

Jill Biden Can Add “Scumbag” to Her Official Title

Derek Hunter for Townhall

There’s a word for when someone knowingly says something untrue, or at least their used to be. What used to be “liar” is now expanded to “Democrat,” “liberal,” “progressive,” “scumbag,” “president,” and now “first lady.”…

…Jill, who insists on being call “Dr. Jill” because that’s what people lacking real accomplishments do, stands idly by as her husband is abused by handlers because she loves the trappings of the White House. An argument could be made that she’s simply too stupid to notice what’s happening, and that is possible, but it’s unlikely…

…But that’s not what inspired me to write this column, bad as those things are. No, it was the 4 fundraising emails she signed last month over 6 days – February 10, 11, 13 and 15 – where she used the death of her step-son, Beau Biden, to raise money for her husband’s reelection campaign. She did this willingly, based on what she either knew was a lie at the time or has since found out was a lie and let it stand. Either way, it is disgusting, though not surprising for someone with the last name “Biden.” More

18 Comments on Jill Biden Can Add “Scumbag” to Her Official Title

  1. from the article, jill wrote:
    “… and I can’t imagine someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points.”

    and she is doing just that
    ironic hypocracy

  2. I can’t name one Democrat that isn’t a lying scumbag

    Why try? They’re all defacto scumbags because the ALL vote in lock-step with each other. democRAT = Scumbag.

    Dog Shit on Display.

  3. Jill turned a blind eye to Joe’s “inappropriate” showers with Ashley. Add child sex abuser enabler to her resume. She is pedo adjacent, if not an outright pedo.

  4. There was an extremely vulgar, inappropriate cartoon by R Crumb in Zap Comics back in the early 70’s called Meet Joe Blow which epitomized the whole sexually promiscuous, incestuous bidumb family and the sexual relationships with their children. Joe Blow boning his daughter and the mom blowing her son in Zap comics were never appropriate sexual relationships. For what it’s worth I destroyed all my issues of Zap Comics years ago after I became a Christian.

  5. I thought that you couldn’t tell that dirty of a joke even on cable TV, obviously. It was funny but very vulgar. And the democraps eat this kind of perversion up and excuse it as just being normal to them. I prefer cleaner humor but sometimes jokes like this are cathartic and hit too close to the truth about how the democraps view sex. Any old hole will do and if it feels good do it are their sexual mantras. Thank God I grew out of this crap a long time ago even if it is perversely funny.

  6. There’s a saying that fits this situation. Harder than a whore’s heart. That is Jill Biden. She epitomizes the Biden clan, and name, even though she horned in on the show all these years ago, bringing with her that heart and fitting perfectly into the family at large.

    Using a son’s death to raise money is in no way worse than taking sexual gratification off ones daughter in the shower. It’s all same-o same-o to the whore’s heart.


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