Jill Biden “COLLAPSE” Confirmed – Shocking Revelation… – IOTW Report

Jill Biden “COLLAPSE” Confirmed – Shocking Revelation…

Melania Trump was buried by the media even though she was classy, elegant, smart and harmless. Who knew there was “polling” on first ladies?

One has to imagine her favorability was high but the media swept it under the carpet. Don’t wait for the poll about Jill Biden to be on the nightly news any time soon.


Like her husband, President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden saw her favorability rating drop in the last year — by 24 percentage points, according to a new poll released Monday.

The poll tracked Jill Biden in 2020, 2021 and 2022, receiving favorability ratings of 46%, 58% and 34%, respectively, in polls those years.

The numbers track with those of her husband, who has also seen his approval rating drop from 59% when he took office in January 2021 to 36% in the most recent CNN/SSRS poll, released Monday.


22 Comments on Jill Biden “COLLAPSE” Confirmed – Shocking Revelation…

  1. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

    ― Abraham Lincoln

  2. I remember an obnoxious Doctor Jill tweet with a photo of her walking haughtily away from the camera, wearing a long black coat and red heels, with the text reading, “We’re just getting started…”

    Now she’s whining about how her dream has been turned into a nightmare by a bunch of darned stuff that her husband had no control over and shouldn’t be blamed for.

    Maybe it’s time for a photo of Sad Jill sitting dejectedly on the curb, lamenting that “We were just getting started…”

  3. Need to combine a Jill pic with the “Sad Panda” meme to make a “Sad Jill” meme.

  4. ^^^ … her dream has been turned into a nightmare by a bunch of darned stuff that her husband had no control over…”

    I doubt he has control of his bladder
    betcha she was drinking joey’s booze when she was the babysitter
    on a positive note- she did raise hunter, and look how he turned out

  5. Dr. Jill, broadcasting the grift strategy just to up the grift ante. The stupid tools of the left aren’t biting like they used to, cause Bidenomics is kicking their butts.

  6. Tasteless, classless, street-corner, uncouth, vulgar, unrefined women such as the Biden woman are often seen as being so by their own families who know these tramps all too well.


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