Jill Biden Ends Up the Big Loser in NCAA Women’s Basketball Invite to White House – IOTW Report

Jill Biden Ends Up the Big Loser in NCAA Women’s Basketball Invite to White House

Fox News

First lady Jill Biden’s office on Tuesday attempted to lower the temperature after she received backlash on social media, including accusations of racism, for floating the idea of inviting the University of Iowa women’s basketball team to the White House, despite them losing to Louisiana State University (LSU) in the national championship game over the weekend.

“I know we’ll have the champions come to the White House, we always do. So, we hope LSU will come,” Biden said Monday. “But, you know, I’m going to tell Joe I think Iowa should come, too, because they played such a good game.”

The first lady’s idea backfired immediately as thousands of quote tweets rolled in over the course of just hours. More

The race-baiters screaming “racism” to Jill’s throw away comment almost has me siding with her. – Dr. Tar

17 Comments on Jill Biden Ends Up the Big Loser in NCAA Women’s Basketball Invite to White House

  1. She is such a dope, I can see why she stays with that other dope. LSU is a black team, Iowa is a white team, for her to not have the pulse of a race-centric society that she and her ilk created, is just astounding.

    Angel Reese, the LSU star player said that they won’t be going to the WH, but will, as a team, go visit the Obamas.

    For all the crowing the libs do on their noble tolerance and inclusion, it’s like they go out of their way to divide our nation even more along racial lines.

  2. I love to see the blowback but don’t anyone get their hopes up.
    Black folk will still vote for the dems in 2024 at around 94%.

    You can shit all over the blacks day & night, promise them reparations and not deliver, insult them to their face, effectively call them too stupid to compete in the workplace, etc. as long as you have that D, your ass is good.

  3. The referees made questionable calls on both teams, but it hurt Iowa the most. It took two of Iowa’s dominate players out of the game. Catlyn Clark had the greatest NCAA championship tournament in the history of Womens basketball and she was hamstrung……All of the referees were black…..I think it might have been rigged for the “blackest” team

    Why does this thought even cross my mind?…..Because of the racial victimhood that has been at play for 40 years and especially since Obama/ Marshall Davis was President….

  4. ^^^^^ and look at the racial victimhood displayed by the tweets in response to a stupid statement made by a stupid,inept woman emboldened by her relationship to the worst president in US history who stole an election….81 million votes my ass!…

  5. The incessant cry of racism reached a point of of being as ridiculous as believing unicorn farts can provide all our power needs because a group of nitwits said they could. Of course racism, the green movement, gay / trans activism and other social issues are used by politicians for power plays and division. I live in the south and the only overt racism seen here is by Blacks. I saw firsthand the civil rights struggle up close growing up in Birmingham and thought Blacks would seize the moment for positive and productive reasons. Didn’t happen, unfortunately. I don’t believe they’ll ever be satisfied. But, it is rewarding to see the very people who promoted division and CRT being on the receiving end.

  6. The Left has deliberately dragged “racism” into every nook and cranny of our society. As it turns out the the so-called “doctor” is about as tone deaf and disconnected from reality as her dirty-ass hubby! She done got blowed up by her own petard!

  7. “Dr.” Jill couldn’t be more blatantly racist in her actions than if she called the LSU team the “n” word to their faces. Doesnt matter Still, after the LSU womens basketball team all the a**-kissing, and partipating in leftist fixed gameplay, they are just inferior trash to the elitist Bidens. LSU deserves the mistreatment.++


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