Jill Stein praises Fidel Castro – IOTW Report

Jill Stein praises Fidel Castro


Jill Stein On Twitter:

” Fidel Castro was a symbol of the struggle for justice in the shadow of empire. Presente!” 

h/t RWF.

20 Comments on Jill Stein praises Fidel Castro

  1. Jilly is simply uneducable. She can read, but she isn’t smart enough to know what to read. The evidence of Castro’s crimes is not hard to find, but Leftists can never admit their heroes are criminals. When Stalin’s crimes were finally revealed, communists living outside of the Soviet Union couldn’t face the truth. They rationalized his crimes against humanity as a necessity to socialistic progress and the fight against Hitler. The scary thing about all this outpouring of admiration for Castro is that these same people would probably be implementing his crimes if they were living under his dictatorship.

  2. Day-O Daaay-O The Commie is dead and I gotta go home.

    Haven’t these knobheads seen the pictures of Cuban hospitals? Of 1,000s of political prisoners? Labor camps? Censorship? Book burnings? This is a society that she praises?

    Does she realize Castro tried to get the USSR to launch a nuclear first
    strike? That Raul had(has) a fucking hard-on for destroying America? Both Castros would have gladly killed 10s of MILLIONS of us if he could have.

    Fucking dumbass cunt.

  3. Marco, spot on.
    But the reason lefties gloss over the crimes of their heroes is that they view all those who disagree with them as deplorable, irredeemable, sub-human and not worthy of equal justice and deserving of the fate they are handed. She’s the kind that would turn snitch for better food in the gulag.

  4. Drives me nuts to talk to Cubans who spout the same shit. Things are so horrible under the Castros that whole families risk their lives to traverse shark infested water to get to America? And this dumb effin crunt thinks Castro’s communism is superior to competitive free market capitalism? Round up her 0.36% voters and send them to Cuba for awhile. Send her with them.

  5. MM: That is a great article. I read it when it came out and sent it to lots of people. I just wish I knew how to send it to all of Castro’s fan club in the MSDM. And, I wish I knew how to make them read it and comprehend its meaning. When I was younger, I knew numerous people who had fled Cuba and were starting over here in America. Now people are fleeing Venezuela for the same reasons they left Cuba, and the MSDM still doesn’t comprehend the causes. They would rather believe Sean Penn.

  6. Mz “i’m not in it for the money” Stein just upped her “needs” to $9 MM. Her fine print on her site says any surplus will go into her tax-free foundation (slush fund). I hope she takes and takes until the left wake up and see how badly they have been played. She got pissed off at Cankles for wanting in on the scam.

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