Jill’s anguish is well-deserved – IOTW Report

Jill’s anguish is well-deserved

Patriot Retort:

Wow. Would you look at the anguish on Jill Biden’s face?

This picture made the rounds on Saturday, and with good reason. A solemn moment commemorating the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 and there’s Joe Biden acting like a complete clown. I told my friend MJA from iotwreport.com that it wasn’t Joe’s inappropriate behavior that first caught my eye; rather it was Jill’s anguish.

Even half hidden behind a mask, Jill’s anguish is hard to miss. But it’s an anguish of her own making.

Like Lady Macbeth, she pushed her senile, decrepit husband to run for President, struggled for over a year to minimize the likelihood of Joe making a public spectacle of himself by hiding him away in the basement. She got what she so longed for – a chance to live in the White House as First Lady.

And now the wheels are very publicly coming off the bus. more

35 Comments on Jill’s anguish is well-deserved

  1. Every time Joe speaks, he proves not only how brain-addled he is but what an insufferable, self-centered, narcissistic, pompous asshole he continues to be.

    What do you learn in life when you believe that the world revolves around you, that you’ve done it all, can do anything, and you’re the toughest, smartest guy in town, and that everyone needs to hear your story.


  2. Cry harder, bitch. You went along with the plan enthusiastically. Seems like that First 100 Days “We’re just getting started” tweet was a hundred years ago, doesn’t it? Nobody calls anymore, do they? Sometimes, you just have to “swallow a little bit” as someone once said.

  3. A couple of things without diving TOO deeply into the Bard;

    1) Macbeth actually has skills.
    The whole reason that he was getting a visit by King Duncan was that he had won a signal victory against the previous and traitorous Thane of Cawdor. Duncan was coming to reward him by formally bestowing the title of the previous Thane on him as a reward for thwarting the treason. He was an able commmander and a leader of men, two traits that Pedo doesn’t have and wouldn’t know if they bit him.
    2) Macbeth wants to back off and is personally satisifed with his current title.
    There is a moment when being pushed by Lady Macbeth that he says that he would like to wear his new title for awhile, and maybe try for the kingship at a later time. He isn’t particuarly power hungry or bloodthirsty, he’s pretty much satisfied with his castle
    and his lordship and would be content to coast with it for awhile, if only that woman would shut UP. Pedo has ALWAYS been about
    arrogating undeserved power to himself and would have done so regardless of which sick woman stood at his side in fishnets without
    killing herself or him.
    3) Macbeth doesn’t rape children.
    Macbeth not only doesn’t rape OTHER people’s children, he doesn’t even HAVE children, so he can’t rape his grandchildren. He also shows NO perviness in this story, he just wants to lounge around in kilt and sporran singing tunes about this or that glen with his boys until he passes out in a puddle of mead. Malcom may have hated him, but he never needed to snatch his daughter away from him.
    3) Lady Macbeth had a concious.
    Yep, after killing King Duncan she had nightmares and bouts of somnabulting where she wandered the halls of Dusinane trying to wipe
    the imaginary innocent blood of the King off her hands over and over again to rid herself of the guilt, but it never worked. She
    killed herself in the third act, but it was BEFORE Macbeth’s final defeat and was more likely because she had been driven insane by
    the guilt and would have anyway, Birnham Wood or not. I really don’t think “guilt” is anything Jill Biden has even the remotest concept of.

    There’s more that could be said and other reasons why the comparison doesn’t really work, but the short version is that it really is a pretty unfair and defamatory comparison.

    To the Macbeths.

    A better comparison is the Clintons, even though Jill hasn’t killed anyone directly.

    That we know of.

    Same pushy woman/stupid, corrupt man thing, same thirst for power, similary perviness, incompetent use of the military to distract from scandals, and same complete lack of morals, ethics, standards, or fear of God.

    THAT would be the couple to compare to, at least IMHO..

  4. (lost the lead-in somehow. This is why I am bringing this up in the FIRST place, sorry for the confusion…)

    “Like Lady Macbeth, she pushed her senile, decrepit husband to run for President,”

    I’m not crazy about the Lady MacBeth comparisons. While it IS true that it’s an evil woman doing evil things to gain power by proxy through her husband, Jill and Pedo are actually WORSE than Lady MB and her hubby.

    A couple of things without diving TOO deeply into the Bard;

    1) Macbeth actually has skills.
    The whole reason that he was getting a visit by King Duncan was that he had won a signal victory against the previous and traitorous Thane of Cawdor. Duncan was coming to reward him by formally bestowing the title of the previous Thane on him as a reward for thwarting the treason. He was an able commmander and a leader of men, two traits that Pedo doesn’t have and wouldn’t know if they bit him.
    2) Macbeth wants to back off and is personally satisifed with his current title.
    There is a moment when being pushed by Lady Macbeth that he says that he would like to wear his new title for awhile, and maybe try for the kingship at a later time. He isn’t particuarly power hungry or bloodthirsty, he’s pretty much satisfied with his castle
    and his lordship and would be content to coast with it for awhile, if only that woman would shut UP. Pedo has ALWAYS been about
    arrogating undeserved power to himself and would have done so regardless of which sick woman stood at his side in fishnets without
    killing herself or him.
    3) Macbeth doesn’t rape children.
    Macbeth not only doesn’t rape OTHER people’s children, he doesn’t even HAVE children, so he can’t rape his grandchildren. He also shows NO perviness in this story, he just wants to lounge around in kilt and sporran singing tunes about this or that glen with his boys until he passes out in a puddle of mead. Malcom may have hated him, but he never needed to snatch his daughter away from him.
    3) Lady Macbeth had a concious.
    Yep, after killing King Duncan she had nightmares and bouts of somnabulting where she wandered the halls of Dusinane trying to wipe
    the imaginary innocent blood of the King off her hands over and over again to rid herself of the guilt, but it never worked. She
    killed herself in the third act, but it was BEFORE Macbeth’s final defeat and was more likely because she had been driven insane by
    the guilt and would have anyway, Birnham Wood or not. I really don’t think “guilt” is anything Jill Biden has even the remotest concept of.

    There’s more that could be said and other reasons why the comparison doesn’t really work, but the short version is that it really is a pretty unfair and defamatory comparison.

    To the Macbeths.

    A better comparison is the Clintons, even though Jill hasn’t killed anyone directly.

    That we know of.

    Same pushy woman/stupid, corrupt man thing, same thirst for power, similary perviness, incompetent use of the military to distract from scandals, and same complete lack of morals, ethics, standards, or fear of God.

    THAT would be the couple to compare to, at least IMHO..

  5. She’s reaping what she’s sown over the years. Starting with having an affair with the psychopath pedo. She was the nanny. She knew what was going on in that house and she was part of it.

  6. Jill Biden is a whore. A heels up whore.
    She was married to another man when she began her adulteress relationship with fraudster joe biden.

    Jill Biden is a whore!

  7. One last thing about the Macbeth comparison, then I’ll let it go.

    Macbeth realized he done fucked up at the end, that he had no hope, and that he was gonna die bigly.

    He took it like a man and fought to the death.

    If Pedo even REALIZES when HE’S beat, he’ll go put on a dress and run and hide in someone’s basement, and when he dies, however he dies, even if it’s from old age and disease, he’s gonna go out like a little bitch, squealing in terror as he sees the eternal flames coming for him…

  8. Fuck Her Too!

    The Pedo should have been retired with the proper care for a Turnip. But Fuck NO!

    They wanted to install a RUBBER STAMP and now she has to help manage him rather than Getting Banged on the side while he was sleeping with a fresh deuce in his depends.

    Oh well, guess she wasted her money on the short skirt & fishnets.

  9. @Handy N Handsome

    Respectfully, JOE IS THE ABUSER, Dr. Jill is the FACILITATOR and when totalled the global victims will be in the Billions due to the policies he is forcing on the entire world.

  10. A notoriously stupid woman, dowdy and stumpy in her pretentious finery fit for an underground subway tunnel where no one cares a hoot about her bleached hair. Neither do the folks above that tunnel care about the cankled slob and nitwit husband.

  11. A calculating whore is always doing the math for her self-interest. No matter how stupid is dr Jill, she can’t deny the writing on the wall.

    Everyone DETESTS these two criminal creeps, with the exception of the other criminal creeps that we all detest.

    Saying her future is GRIM, is the understatement of all time. She might be hoping God thinks she’s oh so cute in fishnets.

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