Jim Caviezel Rebukes Christian Fence-Sitters – IOTW Report

Jim Caviezel Rebukes Christian Fence-Sitters


[…] In the middle of this interview on Fox News, some kind of holy fire descended on Caviezel and he lit up the screen with an epic soliloquy about the nature of humanity, the duty of a Christian in the face of oppression, and the coming conflict with our fellow citizens who will not stop trying to remove religious and constitutional freedoms. You will not believe this. Someone get this man a pulpit. (Part one starts a little slow but part two is a holy fire. Prepare yourself.).

18 Comments on Jim Caviezel Rebukes Christian Fence-Sitters

  1. The screaming banshee communists can say
    anything they want including inciting
    violence and it is determined to be
    1 A free speech excusable.

    But a mere invocation of sensibility or
    normality is to be declared hate speech ?

    This is what the so-called democrats have
    brought us to :

    The total intolerance of rational thought.

    The mindless dedication to communist doctrine.

    The communist party USA only call themselves


  2. Ok, I’ll be the wet blanket.

    I honestly knew nothing of this guy, and I love the message, plus we certainly need the position in Hollywood to deliver it.

    But, I sense a feeling of self-importance from Caviezel that can get in the way. I have seen several interviews from his tour with the media during the past week, and I am coming away with an odd feeling of too much whiny negativity, not enough positivity. Not to mention un-Chistian-like arrogance.

    Perhaps I am being unfair. Let’s see where this goes. I have an odd gut feeling from these interviews.

    I am a solid Christian BTW, si am sensitive about who is delivering the message, and how.

  3. We had Promise Keepers for a few years in the mid to late 90’s which petered out rapidly and some mini revivals but nothing really came out of it. My church had tent revivals for a whole Summer in the late 90’s and I saw some miracles there but it too faded away after the meetings were over. I was pretty good at the Holy Spirit twitch for a while when the revivals were going but I think it became more for show than to reveal the true nature of God. We were using God for our own purposes to make ourselves look good rather than God using us to accomplish his works and it went over like a lead balloon. I still believe in miracles and being slain in the Spirit etc. but when we tried to control it God removed his mighty hand from the revivals. In a way we became we like Elmer Gantry preaching Hellfire and brimstone without calling for repentance for the most part and it turned people off thinking we were phonies and we probably were. Also we forgot about forgiveness and grace and expected God to be like a spiritual genie granting our every desire and wish. I don’t know what to say but man can not control God no matter how hard that he tries, A few years later in the early 2000’s we went thru a huge church split which was probably the best thing that could have happened to me and my family because it forced us to realize it’s always been about God and his will and not man trying to act like God. I myself am better for it and now have a very healthy wariness of organized religion trying to manipulate God for our own purposes no matter how good the intentions are. Having said that there is something going on in the Spirit and it’s God and not man who is controlling it and that’s the way it should be. Let God’s will be done and not ours because if try to attempt a great awakening and revival without God being in charge we will screw it up as usual.

  4. @::::: ~ ‘negativity’??? I think a whole lot of us got a shitload of negativity!

    Caviezel put his career on the line to do ‘Passion Of The Christ’… & paid for it. I, for one, am glad he’s out there still committed to his craft & striving for roles that he believes in & being honest & open about his beliefs. (Catholic, btw)

    can’t say that about too many others in Ho-Wood

  5. Wow, in the second half of that Caviezel interview, the Holy Spirit set a flame in his heart and directed his words. What a powerful, timely message.

    I agree with him. So-called American Christians are to easily offended by a fire brand speech from Christians out in the trenches like Caviezel. Mealy mouth “Christians” or Pharisees say, “Too loud!” “Stop tweeting!” “Don’t draw attention”, “Why did Christ have to turn over those tables.”
    A message to so-called Christians – Get the behind me Satan. Sometimes strong language is needed – souls are at stake.

    Caviezel is influencing Hollyweird and profiting because God has given him this position to further the Gospel of Christ. He is not alone – there are others. Why would a man purposely risk life and limb for God? Real Chistians know this answer – because God so loved the world that he gave his only son to save the world. Some Christians limit God. A foolish thing to do. He is The Great “I am”.

    If American pastors and Christian leaders don’t stop surrendering to this satanic fake pandemic, then yes, Christians will be the first to be sacrificed by the State. Persecution of the Church is inevitable. Will we go out as weak appeasors or fighting men and women in Christ – that really is the question.

  6. This is a tremendous address to all people even those that do not follow Christian belief but believe in democracy, responsibility and individual and collective freedoms. There’s takeaways for all and helps put Hollywood fascist/socialists on notice that there are members of the community willing to step up and tell them the line has been drawn. Perhaps his actions will convince other democracy and freedom loving Hollywood people to come out hard against those who seek to destroy the country (that fat bastard Rob Reiner comes to mind)

    He was great in “Person of Interest”.

  7. I have not watched the video, so, I cannot comment on specifics, but, the creation of the christian faith (by man) and its subsequent degradation to the pop culture churchianity, began during the time of the apostles and went into overdrive during the ante-Nicene age.

    There was/is no deviation from the TaNaKh in the writings of the apostles. They were all Torah observant Hebrews before and after the crucifixion, PERIOD. Especially Shaul (Paul). The TaNaKh was and is the ONLY “Holy Scriptures” with which ANYONE could test what the apostles proclaimed was true.

    YHWH is Unchanging / Eternal (Immutable)
    YHWH does not lie as man does
    YHWH keeps/follows His own Torah (not a hypocrite)
    Diverse weights and measures is an abomination unto YHWH
    Messiah speaks only that which the Father gave Him to speak/do
    Messiah IS the “Law” giver

    Where exactly do you go from there? If there is something in scripture that seems to contradict one of those, it is more likely that our understanding of His Word is in error.

    YHWH bless and keep you all!

  8. I always have enjoyed watching that man work. He has made all the roles he has played that I have seen very real to me. There is a real “power” of genuineness about him, at least to me. I’m an even bigger fan now, having seen this interview.

  9. Jim Caviezel mentions being struck by lighting, and two open heart surgeries. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but I’ve known, seen or know of other people who after close brushes with death, especially years before old age health problems, have a dramatic change in their priorities.

    The less important things move down the list, and faith, doing right v wrong, ending luke-warmness, forgiving wrongs, etc. moves up to the top of the priority list, and also becomes more intense. Most often in the correct way, but occasionally well-intentioned but over the top self righteousness. Jim Caviezel didn’t strike me as the latter in the short video.


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