Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows Inform AG William Barr of Compromise Within Mueller Probe – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows Inform AG William Barr of Compromise Within Mueller Probe

CTH: While a letter from congress to the DOJ amounts to further process frustration for those who bear witness to the corruption that took place; there is a valuable dynamic at play  which may help answer whether AG William Barr is factually going to address corruption, or whether he is apt to just cover it up.

Representatives Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows send a letter (full pdf below) to AG William Barr questioning the independence of two members of the Mueller team, Zainab Ahmad and Andrew Weissmann.

Both Weissmann and Ahmad were involved in contacts and discussions with DOJ official Bruce Ohr as he transferred the Clinton/Steele dossier from his wife, Nellie Ohr, and from Fusion GPS into the FBI to advance a political investigation targeting Donald Trump.

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12 Comments on Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows Inform AG William Barr of Compromise Within Mueller Probe

  1. There has been a lot of resentment towards anonymous posters here so I have expanded my investigation. My 17 unbiased lawyers have revealed the true identities of all who post here.
    BFH is obviously Bill Clinton.
    Bad Brad is really Mr T.
    MJA is Maxine Waters.
    .45-.70 is .22 short.
    Tim is really Obama. The islamo delenda is a dead giveaway.
    Supernightshade is Jerry Brown.
    Abigail is Martha Stuart.
    This two year investigation should put to rest any doubts as to the fake identities used here.
    At least until Adam Schitt takes over.

  2. Don’t expect a lot from Barr. He is of the Swamp. Wonder how long before Barr is fired/resigns/replaced. For a smart guy, Trump sure has made some shitty selections.

  3. Robert Mueller March 4, 2019 at 12:17 pm
    No offense meant, liked it much, I live for the sarc!
    just do as advised above here by who’s name will not be given,,,
    ‘Nothing to see here folks, move along….’
    ipso facto,

  4. Most of this is reflective of how Barr thinks of Trump personally.

    Barr promised he would look into the illicit dealings of the FBI/DOJ re: the Clinton email investigation and the Russian Collusion investigation. Any judicious civil servant in that capacity would have his sensibilities inflamed at the clear shenanigans and criminality that transpired in both of these investigations. A top to bottom probing will take place, now whether action will be taken or whether he figures most of these degenerates are no longer publicly employed so lets just move on, that is to be determined.

    Another factor; it is is everyone’s best interest, mostly Trumps, to get this Mueller investigation wrapped up and disseminated. Is it better to not interfere now, to wrap up the investigation, then impeach/destroy whatever negative findings are relevant by calling attention to the biased tainted nature of the 2 lead investigators, or have Barr slow down the process with further micro managing of Mueller and his team?

    We all knew that Weissmann and Ahmad were Hillary backers and could not be trusted to leave their biases at the door, this is already baked into the cake, let’s release the damn Mueller report already, then we can question its authenticity.

  5. Joe DeGenova was on Dobbs the other night, and he feels AG Burr is going to clear out the rotting fish. Also claimed head of the FBI (Christopher Ray) was nothing but an empty suit.

    Joe DeGenova is a good friend of Burr…………. if we keep Trump in for another four years our country W I L L be great again

  6. I am used to the church lady “investigative journalists” clutching their pearls, waving their fans, and jumping up on the pews (the better to be seen by the less gooderer), to screech “Well, I never!” Twice per service, three times on Sunday.

    But (just like “journalists” “Shocked! Shocked, they say.” that the public disbelieves them), anyone who doesn’t know the score, before even suiting up, let alone being put in the game, is not even competent to be allowed to sit on the bench.

    Roll dice, generate a random social security number, give whoever matches an unlimited budget, their choice of investigative team, and turn them loose? I’ll wait to see what happens. Allow someone who’s proven their Party loyalty, over decades, to be approved by The Party, to “investigate” The Party, so that The Party can take action, approved by The Party, to tell the public The Party is gooderer, same as it ever was? I already know that whatever “comes out” is the “least dishonest” thing The Party could come up with. Given the time and situation constraints.

    As for those that still “believe”… Yeah, maybe somebody’s just lying to you. To destroy your hopes and dreams. Again. Same as it ever is.


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