Jim Jordan warns the real conspirators, Barr will expose you – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan warns the real conspirators, Barr will expose you

26 Comments on Jim Jordan warns the real conspirators, Barr will expose you

  1. Jim jordan is a fearless American hero who ripped off mueller’s mask. Mueller is a phony and a traitor. Mueller will not get away with posing as a confused old grandpa.
    Loves me some Jordan.

  2. Trump still has another arrow to put to his bow.
    The pedophiles who have been involved in running our
    centers of power in politics and the media are being
    exposed for what they are.
    They have a lot of terrible secrets hidden away with
    their evil compatriots and the mountain of pain they
    have piled over their heads is waiting for Trump to roll down the first boulder.

  3. The US government has a history of spending tons of money on issues that never get resolved — truthfully. All for public display, because the real purpose of alleged investigations is to be an expensive cover-up of what really happened. What tax-payers pay for, and never get, is the truth. And the real criminals never get punished.

  4. I especially like Jordan’s smirk when he said don’t worry, Barr and Durham will find the truth. I pray it’s so! Mueller looked like a defendant at the Nuremberg Trials!!!

  5. the one thing I was begging any Repub to ask Muleface, when he was whining about ‘obstruction of justice’, that in his report he stated that a third person testified that McCahn (sp) said that PDT told him to fire Muleface, does the President have the authority to fire Muleface?
    Muleface could only answer in the affirmative
    second question: where you fired?
    … gotcha!

    no obstruction … (mike drop!) I yield back my time

  6. I’m probably not alone here in having too many unprintable thoughts about today’s events. But here’s one I will offer.

    The culpable parties to this debacle no doubt STILL think they’re unprosecutable – or that Trump/Barr will choose not to prosecute them.

    They’re probably right. I really don’t think Trump has the guts to tear Washington – and the Democrats – criminally apart. It would involve Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and scores of people who were involved in both the DOJ and FBI. Let’s face it. This crap ALONE is a Civil War II fuse. I’m thinking Mr. Trump just wants a majority of Americans to see it for what it is and learn from it.

    After all, this Kabuki Theater is trivial compared to the unavoidable, Federal, financial Armageddon that IS GOING TO HAPPEN. And they know it.

  7. Exposing them is kind of nice, I guess, but it only makes us more PO’d.
    Only being charged, found guilty and sentenced to some term of years locked-up will bring some satisfaction of justice, and provide some hope of a deterrent to future criminal corrupt conduct by politicians and deep state bureaucrats.

  8. I don’t trust scum sucking democRATS…I do think security needs to be increased on the Trumps and Barr and his family! If anything were to happen to them you know it would be the spark that ignites the next civil war!

  9. “Dear Attorney General Barr,

    There never were any “Russians.” It’s all bullshit. This lie was manufactured as the pretext for an open-ended investigation (The Insurance Policy) to assault and abuse innocent people and our duly-elected President, and to cover-up the death of Seth Rich (it was an internal download). We know this coup involves many players in the DNC and goes all the way to 0bama himself. It’s clear that the Media is a complicit Agent of the State, having close and familial ties to government insiders. This is known by over half the electorate. It’s all out there for thorough review by anyone who has the will and capacity to follow the details.

    So, once again, I ask: When do people start going to jail?

    If the events I have summarized above are false, in whole or in part, then it is your duty to stand before the nation to set the record straight. You work for the American People and you must communicate the truth of the matter.

    At this point, sir, I wish to communicate that the American People are righteously indignant and we fully expect and await justice for this crime perpetrated against us and our President. This is not something that is simply walked-back at this point or explained as merely “some agents operated outside the bounds of protocol.” This is not something that is resolved with
    “three days for review and training on department procedures.”

    This farce has up-ended Justice in America and has been used to justify real abuse, real defamation, and real physical harm, upon real American Citizens.

    We are watching and we are waiting, sir.


    60+ Million Americans.”

    I sent this to AG Barr this morning before watching any of the “testimony.” Like you, I have no basis for confidence that the perpetrators will be held accountable. I imagine that, at the end of the day, Barr, Mueller, Rosenstein, etc., all get together for drinks. My trust is in The Lord concerning this matter and I’ve been diligently praying and am convinced He is setting things right. Barr and others must hear from us. Our President must not be left alone to speak against this enemy. Jordan and others in the House of Reps are fantastic. They deserve to hear from us and be encouraged, too.


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