Jimmy Buffett Serenaded Doug Jones – IOTW Report

Jimmy Buffett Serenaded Doug Jones

BREITBART-Singer Jimmy Buffett reportedly serenaded Democratic Senator-elect of Alabama Doug Jones and his wife Louise, just days after Jones defeated Republican candidate Roy Moore in a shock election victory.

The couple, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Key West, Florida, were reportedly treated by Buffett at his Margaritaville resort with the song “Stars Fell in Alabama.”

“Dec. 12 has always been a historic day for the Jones family,” Jones said in his victory speech last Tuesday. “This is, as you know, mine and Louise’s 25th wedding anniversary. I couldn’t have done this without her. The love, the support, the encouragement.”

Buffett previously sang to raise money for President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, charging people upwards of $500 to attend “A Musical Evening with Jimmy Buffett.”  MORE HERE

19 Comments on Jimmy Buffett Serenaded Doug Jones

  1. Hey, Hillary heralded the Jones event too saying it was on to the 2018 Elections where they could get some Democratic balance back. Which reminds me,
    F___ the Republicans for torpedoing a fellow Republican. They had it all but showed us they couldn’t get it up. There’s not a RAT out there that eats its own like Republicans do.

  2. D Jones didn’t tell the whole truth about the election. Elections can be close ( especially when the illegal voters are bussed in from places not very close.) it’s hard to understand why JB and others in similar income class support the left. Unless maybe they believe far left government will protect their wealth as long as they fund them.

    Recently on a different online group i ruffled some feathers when I wrote I wouldn’t give the same honor to Yvonne Clounard as another writer did. Challenged why, I replied after reading Yvon urging people to vote for socialism in the last election, because socialist democracies out perform the USA in every good category, education, quality of life, etc plus his & his company CEO mix of funding save the planet & also funding the killing of the unwanted not yet born – didn’t cut it with me and I was done with him & his company’s products. The response – hey people from socialist countries aren’t bad people, we’ve met several, real nice people. I think they missed the point.

  3. The term grateful dead is one hell of an oxymoron. Has anyone ever seen a grateful dead person, alive maybe but certainly not when they’re dead. They should’ve really called them selves just dead or stoned dead or zombie dead heads or the lousy dead band Or the queer dead since they came out of San Francisco. I never was a dead head or a Grateful Dead fan. Hot Tuna yes, Grateful Dead no.

  4. Buffett is comfort music in the same way mac&cheese is comfort food. They’re both utterly uncomplicated and unexciting and are for times when you don’t want any challenges or hassles. Sometimes I eat mac&cheese; sometimes I listen to Buffett. I don’t worry much about Jimmy’s (or Kraft executives’) politics.

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