Jimmy Carter Declares Bolton A Big Mistake – IOTW Report

Jimmy Carter Declares Bolton A Big Mistake



In a recent interview with USA Today, the 93-year-old Jimmy Carter had a few choice words to say about Donald Trumps selection to replace H.R. McMaster as national security advisor.

Carter called Bolton “a warlike figure,” and elaborated: “Maybe one of the worst mistakes that President Trump has made since he’s been in office is his employment of John Bolton, who has been advocating a war with North Korea for a long time and even an attack on Iran, and who has been one of the leading figures on orchestrating the decision to invade Iraq.” More

29 Comments on Jimmy Carter Declares Bolton A Big Mistake

  1. From the now 2nd worst president in modern history, aka my lifetime, comes sage advice…jimmie boy, aren’t you the dolt that met with rocket boy’s daddy and gave away the kitchen sink on behalf of the horniest president in modern history?
    I think now, like I always thought…..your nuts are dry roasted.

  2. So now we hear this crap from the worst ‘white’ president in history.
    I’m convinced the liberal media seeks out these feeble-minded liberal relics and then asks them leading questions simply to bolster the liberal cause. ♫ You may be right. I may be crazy but …. ♪♫

  3. I’m amongst friends, right?
    Hanging my head in shame, a confession, I have to make.
    Voted for Jemmah, he was running against Ford, the man who pardoned that crook Nixon.
    Voted for Jemmah for Governor too.
    Voted for Nixon too, no matter how hard I tried, just couldn’t make amends.
    None of my friends drove Porches.
    He was a Nookie Poo Navy man, an Annapolis graduate.
    That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.
    Hey, learned my lesson, I didn’t vote for McStain.
    Won’t have to worry about making another confession.

  4. @PHenry,
    You know how to keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip?
    Take two, they will watch each other and leave your beer in the cooler.
    Oh,,, the ‘Stache, hands down.

  5. @OpenTheDoor ~ my dad also voted for Carter. he was absolutely convinced Jimma was going to lead us to ‘the promised land’. made me read Carter’s bio. my dad moved to Florida in the ’80’s & went to register to vote. the clerk asked him if he committed any felonies (he was a retired police officer), he said “yes, just one” … the clerk asked, “& what was that?” …. “I voted for Jimmy Carter”.

    … true story

    P.S. … don’t try that ‘cooler’ stuff w/ this Baptist 😉

  6. The anti-Semite, ayatollah enabling weakling, Jimmy Carter, should keep quiet. If not for his weakness, the hardliners would have never gained power in Iran. Jimmy enabled today’s Muslim terrorists. That’s his legacy: failure, weakness, and death.

  7. Soooo. Jimmah criticizes President Trump for picking Bolton. Well, he definitely can’t be worse than Carter’s commie snake oil salesman, part-time National security advisor, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mika’s (Morning Joe infamy) dad.

  8. OpenTheDoor

    Jimmeh was my first vote for Prez and for the same reasons. Little did I know the Dems were 100 times worse.

    He opened my eyes to how ill informed I was at that age and of who he was and what was really going on.

    I didn’t know I was “conservative” when I was appalled at his decisions and choices. I just knew he was doing “American” wrong. Efforts to turn us metric ring a little bell? One of dozens of his “change America into Europe” efforts.

    Reagan showed me I was a conservative. He did “American” right.

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