Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care at Home – IOTW Report

Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care at Home

98 years old.

43 Comments on Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care at Home

  1. The eight who died when their helicopter went down in the desert April 1980 might be waiting for Jimmuh – he murdered them as surely as FJB murdered 13 Americans in Afghanistan.

  2. Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
    FEBRUARY 18, 2023 AT 7:56 PM
    “The eight who died when their helicopter went down in the desert April 1980 might be waiting for Jimmuh”
    …they probably went in a different direction than he will…

  3. Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
    FEBRUARY 18, 2023 AT 7:57 PM
    “And Jason, if you think this is a tough room, just wait until Hanoi Jane croaks; that ought to be epic.”

    …or Pedo McFraudulent, but I’m kind of hoping HE goes swinging from a DC lamp post with a WHOLE bunch of OTHER people…

  4. true story:
    when Jimma was running for prez my dad just gushed & gushed about him. even brought me a copy of Carter’s book (I think it was called some simp thing like ‘Why Not The Best’) I read it & always remember how he came right out of the gate whinning about being born in the 1920’s in GA, on a farm w/ an outhouse …. oh, boo hoo! I reminded my dad that he was born in ’31 on his grandaddy’s farm … w/ an outhouse!

    anyhow … my dad moved to FLA in the early ’80’s to open up a Gulf gas station in Sarasota. he registered to vote & the clerk asked him if he ever committed a felony. his reply was, “yes, I voted for Jimmy Carter!”

    confession is good for the soul

  5. Jimmah did pretty well as a young man. He got an appointment to the Naval Academy, studied mathematics at Georgia Tech for a year first, and graduated with distinction in the USNA class of ’47. After serving two years on surface ships, he applied for and was accepted into the Submarine Service (they’re fairly picky). When the nuclear navy started up, Carter was interviewed by Hyman Rickover and was accepted into the program (there was nobody pickier than Rickover). Jimmah was slated to be the engineering officer aboard one of the early nuclear subs when his daddy died. He resigned from the navy and went back to Georgia.

    My theory is that the young Carter was abducted by space aliens and replaced by a humanoid lizard person who later became Governor of GA and President of the U.S. How else can you explain how such a promising young man turned into such a wimpy screw-up?

  6. Obama and Biden aren’t worthy to shine Carter’s shoes… and I couldn’t stand Carter. My mother voted for the stupid SOB because “he had a nice smile.” I was left shaking my head in disbelief that anyone could be so naïve.

  7. Putting personalities & politics aside, I’d like to sing the praises of Hospice care at home, or at an outside Hospice facility. Both the Mr. and I have lost someone close to us (one in the UK and one in the USA) in the past year who received Hospice care at home at at a free standing facility. Please consider supporting your local Hospice.

  8. You Know What wrote, “BHO number 2.”

    Well, yes, Barry is a piece of sh1t.

    Wait. What? Did I forget to mention Jimmy (I lust after wimminz) Carter? Maybe I’ll remember when you tell me he’s dead.

  9. What he did for humanity pales in comparison to the genocide he caused by surrendering Iran to the mullahs. Wait till we see the result of Biden surrendering Afganistan to the Taliban – along with 80 billion in weaponry. Carter is stupid, but Biden is stupid and evil.

  10. Jimmy the Carter was the last and only Demoncrat I voted for , out of total ignorance of the evil of the demonrat party, I suffered and learned better. How He destroyed the economy and my business and allowed the evil muslims to take back control of the middle east. I hope he rots in hell. am preparing my snoopy dance for his demise.


    Popular campaign ad from the Carter years.

    Q: “What do Rt. 66, Rt. 29, and Andy Young have in common?”
    A: “They all go into Rosslyn!”

    Hope he enjoys Hell.
    He tried to turn the Earth into Hell, so it must be where he’s most comfortable.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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