Jimmy Carter Fighting Way Past the Ezekiel Emanuel Recommended Time on Earth – IOTW Report

Jimmy Carter Fighting Way Past the Ezekiel Emanuel Recommended Time on Earth

Let it go Jimmeh, for the good of your party. You’re wasting precious resources.

Daily Caller

Former President Jimmy Carter revealed Wednesday he has cancer that has spread throughout his body.

In a statement posted on the Carter Center’s website, the 90-year-old Democrat said: “Recent liver surgery revealed that I have cancer that now is in other parts of my body.”

“I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by physicians at Emory Healthcare,” Carter said. “A more complete public statement will be made when facts are known, possibly next week.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/08/12/jimmy-carter-reveals-he-has-cancer/#ixzz3idrFWtBW

38 Comments on Jimmy Carter Fighting Way Past the Ezekiel Emanuel Recommended Time on Earth

  1. Too late for me to hold my tongue. I just landed on Yahoo, saw his pic, and muttered “die already you old son of a bitch.” Then I saw the headline, now I got to light some candles, beg forgiveness, and send a donation to DNC.

  2. “I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment by physicians at Emory Healthcare,” Carter said.

    If/when I’m 90 I hope not to have any schedule at all.

  3. Old Jimmah is living (almost dead) proof that he like others of his ilk always, in the final analysis, want to be treated differently than they want others to be treated! He’ll accept expensive medical care (paid by the tax payers) at his age but will lament anyone else doing or wanting it! Kind of like how Albert Gorebert wants everyone else living in caves but him!

  4. “Now the Lord said to Abraham: I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.” – Genesis 12:1, 3

    Sure hope Jimmy makes peace with God before he kicks the proverbial bucket by renouncing his support of Arafat’s boys! Otherwise, FDR in Hell? Here he comes!

  5. I made my thoughts clear when I first heard he had the surgery. Glad to see my hopes and dreams coming true. Die, you commie, treasonous koranimal loving clump of donkey smegma. I hope you suffer immensely.

  6. Jimmy Carter is one of the worst things to happen to America in my already-long lifetime. That is, of course, before Obama. Carter was a low point in our history. However, I never wish bad health, or harm to anyone’s children, no matter my animus for the individual.

  7. I have cared for ex-cons, abusers of every ilk, prostitutes, the deranged, the deformed, the nobodies, the forgotten, the neglected, the rejected and the despised. I have cared for the cherished and beloved, the wealthy, the influential, the young, the middle aged, the elderly, the extreme elderly. Death comes for us all. Some times it has been not so easy. Up until now in my career I have only ever refused to take care of one person (who I knew was a fraud faking his symptoms and wanting care for all the wrong reasons).

    Until now. I just don’t think I could be 100% professional.

  8. I don’t like Jimmy Carter, I got snookered into voting for him in 76 because it was the Christian thing to do, I have no excuse for 1980 except for I was brain dead then and didn’t know better. Having said that I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone including Jimmy Carter. My wife died from leukemia and it’s not a pleasant thing to go thru seeing someone you love die from a horrible disease like cancer of any form or kind. I think the best thing he can do is make peace with God and for the rest of us including myself to forgive him, which is really hard for me to do on my own. I can’t do it on my own and neither can he but God can and does help us to forgive jerks like him. He may be a jerk and a lousy President but he’s as human and as much of a jerk as I am also. The old proverb, Do unto others as you would have them do unto still applies no matter how much I dislike the guy.

  9. “I will be rearranging my schedule as necessary so I can undergo treatment …”


    Just die, already.

    Oh! That’s right, God don’t want ya, and the Devil won’t have ya!

  10. Shows his Elitist mentality. Treatments for me, but not for thee.

    Just give him narcotics to ease the pain, and let him slip away sometime in the night.
    In true Progressive (Regressive) Libtard fashion, save the money and treatments for someone who can still be useful and a working productive member of society. And it ain’t Jihadah Lovin’ Jimmah.

  11. Where are the ObamaCare Death Panels when we need them most? Oh that’s right – I forgot with leftists like Carter “It’s Rules For Thee But Not For Me”

    IMO Carter is the 4th Worst President Ever
    -Obama is Worst President Ever
    -Woodrow Wilson is 2nd Worst for a whole host of “Progressive” shit he crammed down our throats – income tax, etc.
    -Frank Roosevelt is 3rd Worst Ever for being a Socialist commie-loving traitor

    Hmmm, I see a trend here. They’re all Democrats.

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