Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden’s Debate Announcement – IOTW Report

Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden’s Debate Announcement

Gateway Pundit:

Thank Goodness He Had Subtitles’ — Leftist Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden’s Debate Announcement Being Mumbling Mess, Jokes About CNN’s Lack of Audience (VIDEO)

7 Comments on Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden’s Debate Announcement

  1. Jimmy Faillon (et al) are evidently sloooo learners, but I’m being generous.
    (they’re actually bought an paid for)
    We all knew this yyeeeears ago! The dumb shit is demented and has been for along time… in addition to not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier!

  2. I can’t figure out who would replace him. And notsomuch because there isn’t anyone popular, it’s obvious that they only need a figurehead who will do what the overlords tell him to do. But there is no way public accord can be accomplished in such a short period of time – Dems will tear each other apart with infighting. That’s why I think they are sticking with Biden/Harris at this point.

  3. The backroom Communists are absolutely flummoxed right now. I mean, imagine the backroom discussions – “Who we gonna get that’s dumber than a box of rocks and will do what he’s told to do? I mean, Fetterman wuz a strong contender until he woke up all of a sudden…surprized the shit outta all of us, right?”

  4. Wake up IOTW critters, the decision to put the convention in Chicago was no fluke.

    As TN T says hey will commit every misdeed, vile action,and foul play until the convention then they will put every mistake on the Pedo and jettison him for Manchelle. As my favorite wrestler Enzo Amore used to say. “You can count on that” …

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