Jimmy John’s Founder Denies He is the Naked “Humpback” On Top of Shark – IOTW Report

Jimmy John’s Founder Denies He is the Naked “Humpback” On Top of Shark


Jimmy John’s founder, Jimmy John Liautaud, has been embroiled in controversial hunting pictures in the past, showing the famous toothy grin atop big game in Africa. He says he’s done with big game hunting and chooses to hunt and fish animals that can be eaten.

The guy in the pic looks an awful lot like Liautaud.

More at Deadspin

Here is a Deadspin commenter giving their 2 cents. Do you agree?

I would just like to point out some things:

1) You can’t humiliate a dead animal, it’s dead. You can’t humiliate a dead anything, because, again, it’s dead.

2) You can’t humiliate a shark or other sharks on its behalf, because, to my knowledge, sharks don’t get embarrassed like humans do. I’m not even sure they feel feelings as we would know them, because, once again, it’s a shark and not a person.

3) Other sharks, even if they could be embarrassed for this dead shark, won’t be because they won’t understand because they have shark brains and not people brains, and have no concept of Twitter or the English language.

4) What she really means is that as a bleeding heart animal rights person, she feels embarrassed for the shark and is trying to project her feelings onto a prehistoric killing machine, designed perfectly for one task: Killing shit in the ocean.

Interesting points.

The shark’s feelings can be left out of it. But can we still  judge the man for simulating sex with a dead animal?

People, with human brains, ask themselves, “if this guy is willing to do this, what else is he capable of?”

I don’t think what he did, whoever this is, rises to the level of high crimes. But I think it’s low brow.

For the record, Jimmy John’s sandwiches, in my opinion, are terrible. They are to deli sandwiches what Tampico is to orange juice.

ht/ Steaming Pyle

30 Comments on Jimmy John’s Founder Denies He is the Naked “Humpback” On Top of Shark

  1. LOL ewwww!
    1. I too, hate their sammiches.
    2. I agree with dude in the comment and I will also add that even though the animal is a pre-historic killing machine, that slob of a human being behaved in such an undignified manner. We’re supposed to behave better than the animals in our charge.
    3. I really hate their sammiches, btw. No variety, way too much mushy bread.

  2. BTW, it’s the Jimmy Johns dude in the photo. The hairline, the way the top teeth seem to sit in the jaw, the nose, and the chin are all dead-on. Plus, he’s shaped all beluga-like.

  3. “Humiliation”
    I’m not sure what he thinks he’s doing but I was always taught to respect the game that you take. I never take anything I don’t eat, by line or by gun. This guys an asshat. How Hemingway of him.

  4. I’m not going to get into whether assholes like Jimmy John should be treating animals they’ve killed a distinct lack of respect but I will question his obvious lie about it not being him and his reckless disregard he has for his company and those that paid top dollar for a franchise. If the left and the animal rights activists decide to make this an issue it will do damage (maybe minor, maybe major but most assuredly damage) to the chains image as well as sales which would impact the franchisee’s as well as the employees. He better hope he doesn’t become a target, well actually maybe the people the depend on Jimmy John’s for their livelihood better hope de doesn’t because there’s a lot of competition out there.

  5. The shark needs to be flipped on its back if this is a sex simulation. Is the single photo the cover shot for what’s inside? Let’s see the centerfold.

  6. Well, he can’t be simulating sex with the shark, because if he is, he needs an anatomy lesson.

    Have you noticed all the Jackwagons named ‘Jimmy’ lately? I’m going to have to change my handle.

  7. Thanks for that, eternal cracker. The idiots in Berkley are too stupid to understand that eucalyptus trees are an invasive species, and the state is literally covered with them.

  8. Who are you guys, Bill Clinton?

    He’s rubbing his naked dick on the back of the shark.
    I was kind by saying he was “simulating” sex with the animal.
    It doesn’t matter how sharks have sex. It matters how humans have sex.

  9. Totally agree that the guy humiliated himself, not the shark. You can desecrate a body, but not an animal corpse–you just make yourself look like a weirdo and an idiot. Who cares what this guy does with the fish he catches after they’re dead? Is simulating sex with it worse than eating it?

  10. Does Jimmy John have a sharkskin suit?

    I’ve caught plenty of Makos, plus released an assload of blue sharks. Their skin is rough as hell, like 120 grit sandpaper. I’ll bet he got one hell of a scraping all over his blubber belly and his junk.

    Shit, I’ve taken pics of myself holding up a fish with a beercan in its mouth. I was illustrating how wide the Flounder’s mouth can get. This pic of the buffoon dryhumping the shark is no big deal. The anti-fishing AstroTurfed billions-funded Environmental Industry can go fuck themselves and then go back to munching on their Soylent Green chips

  11. No accounting for people willingness to humiliate themselves.
    The picture reminds me of what Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Hillary, and their paid media supporters do a public self humiliation.

    But what they do is much worse because it is being done in our country’s halls of government, and to our national culture and spirit; living things. Which is much worse that the abuse of a dead fish.

    Yet the fish gets more sympathy. From those who abuse their dead brain.

  12. If sharks urinating through their skin bothers you, don’t look into the non-H2O components of sweat. Hogs and cattle mostly sweat through their snouts, so not much of a problem there. If you like lamb, however, they got lots of sweat glands all over.

  13. Oh, yeah, I’d rather eat a nice shark steak than a Jimmy John’s sub. I was on the jury of a week-long trial a couple of years ago and when we went into deliberation we weren’t permitted out of the jurors’ room for lunch (during the trial I’d have a nice, tasty Checkers burger and seasoned fries) so they brought us JJ’s subs. Tasteless phony bread and tasteless nasty fillings and rancid chips. Yuk.

  14. Some years back on a firearms board I used to frequent, a hunter had a picture taken of him with his harvested cow elk.

    Unfortunately, the picture showed him ‘spreading the pink’ of the elk’s birth canal.

    What a magnificent shit storm THAT stirred up! I thought it in poor taste myself but was astounded at the time so many of the board members actually had pearls to clutch! One or two may have even swooned.

    (I been looking for a place forever to use ‘swooned’.

  15. down here in my redneck of the woods, past-his-sell-by-date Saints QB Drew Brees owns a Jimmy Johns. That’s reason enough for me to never darken their doorstep.

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