Jimmy Kimmel Writer Lauds 9 Year-Old Relative as a Masterful Cartoon Caption Writer – IOTW Report

Jimmy Kimmel Writer Lauds 9 Year-Old Relative as a Masterful Cartoon Caption Writer

This post has everything I loathe about the left.

It has nepotism, elitism, lies and unwarranted accolades. The left is very good at all of that in order to advance an agenda. The agenda here is to create a buzz of superior creativity around a 9 year-old just because it’s a relative of a Jimmy Kimmel writer, and they must elevate all things Kimmel because he’s a warrior against the right.

It’s a shame that they have to try and leverage an innocent 9 year-old, but I have to be honest – the kid’s captions are ANTI-comedy.

The New Yorker regularly runs caption contests. The winners are okay, sometimes I get a laugh. The kid showed her second cousin, the Emmy award winning comedy writer, her captions for the contests and the writer went OVERgaga for these painfully ordinary submissions.

Do I take great glee in bursting this kid’s bubble? No.

But considering who the players are in this charade, yes, I have to say something. It’s not the kid’s fault. It’s the Kimmel people and the lefties at BoredPanda.

Here, prepare yourself-

I mean, c’mon.

The Twitter suck-ups were cringeworthy.


“This girl’s talent is comic gold.”

“She’s really clever.”

“My dad wrote cartoons for the New Yorker in the 30s. these are better.”

The Kimmel writer tweeted-

Thankfully the Bored Panda commenters laid into the site for force-feeding the pablum on them and told the truth.

-Hm, ok, I don’t find any of them funny or clever.

-Same here… plenty of people who are saying how brilliant they are and I don’t see it. If it were billed as “Hilarious for a 9-year-old,” I might agree, but sold as just hysterically funny as is, no.

-Because they’re not. Just a relative of someone with a lot of followers.

-It’s the usual leftist echo chamber effect mixed with low expectations (‘she’s only 9!’) and empathy of women to bolster another’s self esteem. Her sycophants lie upfront, but in their heads, they know the captions are rubbish.

-Error 404: Hilarity not found.
-These aren’t that funny

26 Comments on Jimmy Kimmel Writer Lauds 9 Year-Old Relative as a Masterful Cartoon Caption Writer

  1. This poor girl is painfully humorless. Give her a participation ribbon and send her home.
    Now, awhile back, I overheard my five year old son calling his friend “Douche Brat!” Now that was funny!
    And, yes, I fired the babysitter.

  2. Not ranking on the kid, it’s the adoring adults who need to be bitch slapped.
    Everybody wins a trophy now.
    Not funny, not kinda funny, no wonder Progs are so bad at memes, they think this is hilarious.
    Would you like a Sen-Sen?
    I see what they mean about this hydro.
    Careful, these clowns will drink on your bill.
    Your couch isn’t big enough to eat this one.

  3. When I was 9 years old I used to take an issue of Time and draw speech balloons on all the photos and ads with my own captions. If the above captions were funny, then my own captions merit a Nobel Comedy Prize.
    This kid’s captions are nothing but straight lines. No imagination. No insight. No clever twist. Nothing.
    But, this is what the left does. Just keep repeating the Big Lie until it is accepted as the truth. Barack is brilliant. Michelle is beautiful. On and on and on.

  4. …and that plaster hand print that looks like a Thanksgiving turkey thing? Absolutely brilliant! And how could we forget about the gold-painted soup can with the macaroni glued to it?

  5. I must be humorless because I failed to see the humor in any of the cartoons. I tried and failed. I looked them over 3 times and didn’t crack a smile, all I said was huh?

  6. I’m pissed that these aholes have forced me to judge a 9 year-old.
    But this is what they do, the left.

    If I posted these and built it up like it was comedy gold, and told you that Barron Trump made these, 95% of you would have told me I was being a sycophantic suck-up and that this was the work of a semi-literate dope.

    That’s why the right has more integrity than the sick-in -the-head, everyone gets a trophy, left.

    This is why crap hangs in modern museums.


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