*spicy language*
MSNBC host accidentally rakes him over some coals for it.

*spicy language*
MSNBC host accidentally rakes him over some coals for it.
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I am thinking that the castro brothers look like mongoloids. Nothing against mongoloids mind you. i have had at least one in extended family and he was a nice guy. but just saying.
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
Great ‘spicy language’ clip especially @ 2:51 Trudeau and his Poppi.
Castro Bros’ commies through in through.
That guys style is somewhat hypnotic and syncopated, yet very enjoyable.
they sure didnt get the good looks of that other castro, you know, Justin Trudeau Castro.
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I said this exact same thing before Jack Dorsey, oops, I mean Big Fur hat erased my shit. How is he any different? Answer up pussy.
WTF are you talking about? You don’t even have a name, so who is the pussy? Answer up, pussy.
I think I counted four butts, a pussy and one asshole in that video…
I can’t wait to eat at Bill Miller’s BBQ joints several times when the wife and I visit San Antone in three weeks
Geaux to hell Castros
John Waed is funny as hell and brilliant.
Okay anonymous. I’m answering up.
A- I have no idea wtf you are talking about. I don’t delete comments.
B- The comment you’ve made is illogical and a study in abject stupidity.
“I said this exact same thing before Jack Dorsey, oops, I mean Big Fur hat erased my shit. How is he any different? Answer up pussy.”
If something is on the site that is “exactly what you said,” why isn’t THAT deleted as well?
Answer up STUPID.
Spawn of commie, La Raza type parents. Apples rotting under family tree.
Exactly right, these two are long time racists raised by a communist mother.