Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Kwanzaa πŸ™„ – IOTW Report

Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Kwanzaa πŸ™„

GP: Joe and Dr. Jill on Monday celebrated the joy of Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa is a phony holiday created in 1966 by black radical Ron Everett β€” aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, a violent felon who tortured two naked black women.

β€œDeborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes,” a 1971 Los Angeles Times article reported about Karenga’s conviction.

β€œTo everyone celebrating, Jill and I wish you a joyous Kwanzaa,” Joe Biden said on Tuesday. β€œIn 2024, it’s our hope that we will all remember the wisdom of the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa, especially the values of unity and faith.” more

23 Comments on Joe and Jill Biden Celebrate Kwanzaa πŸ™„

  1. All Satan can do is take something created by God and pervert it. He cannot create anything himself – only God can create.
    Kwanzaa wasn’t “created” by Satan’s disciple Ron Everett; Satan’s disciple Ron Everett perverted Christmas into a Satanic Racist “holiday.”
    (“holiday” comes from “Holy Day” and no perverted Satanic shit is “Holy”)

    Fuck the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey, Fuck Jill the Pretend doctor, Fuck Ron Everett, and Fuck Kwanzaa – everything about these “people” is fake – perverted simulacrums (simulacra?) of something pure and decent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yesterday I saw a clip on Newsmax about Kamala telling all about how her family celebrated it too. She was with her white Jewish husband.
    The commentator said that it was highly unlikely that a Caribbean/Indian raised in Canada would have celebrated a holiday created after she was born.

  3. Have you had the notion that Kwanzaa is celebrated by black, atheistic, inner city, Communist ‘Democrats?’

    If it weren’t for the Leftist media reminding these people every year about ‘Kwanzaa,’ even the people who have celebrated it (they think, as they’re often not sure WHAT they’ve celebrated) would forget all about it! And it would just go away.

  4. So frustrating seeing the leader of the free world pandering to parasites. What kinda of fools has he surrounded himself with? He should be exposing the fraud, not buying into the fraud. FJB, worthless piece of shit.


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