Joe Biden Adopts A Dog – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Adopts A Dog

WaExaminer: As the saying goes: If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

Former Vice President Joe Biden did just that Saturday, as he and wife Jill adopted Major from the Delaware Humane Association.

The Bidens had been fostering the dog, according to a Facebook post from the organization, accompanied by photos of the former vice president posing with the large black-and-tan German shepherd.

“The Bidens have gotten to know Major while fostering him and are now ready to make the adoption official,” the organization said.

Major was one of a litter of German shepherd puppies surrendered to the rescue group. The organization said Biden caught wind of their post asking for help and got in touch. more

22 Comments on Joe Biden Adopts A Dog

  1. Obama adopted three dogs; Biden, Bo, and Sunny. None of them were house trained. First one licked asses, the other two licked balls. Obamas let all three roam the White House without their cones if there weren’t any cameras around.

  2. Nice looking dog, and yes, Biden did a good thing. But I am reminded of the bible verse about doing good works anonymously,”do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” A calculated move to endear himself to possible voters for his 2020 run? How cynical am I?


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