Joe Biden and the Entire ENEMEDIA Are LIARS! – IOTW Report

Joe Biden and the Entire ENEMEDIA Are LIARS!

The crazy old doddering low-IQ fool runs around saying Trump did nothing about Covid-19, and all the mouth-breathers repeat it as fact because they are sluggish lazy lemming a-holes.

Here are the facts!

6 Comments on Joe Biden and the Entire ENEMEDIA Are LIARS!

  1. I think that if Joe Biden had been president at the time his administration would have pretended there was no virus and then downplay it. Because that’s what the Red Chinese would pay him to say.

    Biden is thoroughly corrupt. He will only be that way as president too.

  2. I watched Hannity tonight, and it was very apparent that Dementia Joe was reading off something on his lectern when he was reciting the numbers of Americans who were killed or sickened by the Coronavirus. He even had the percentages correct. Isn’t this a violation of the terms of the debate? Why isn’t this a big fukin’ deal?

  3. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where they tell you to take the truth and shove it up yer ass… sideways… and like it!!
    Which is, of course, why they are referred to as the Enemedia.


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