Joe Biden calls climate change ‘the existential threat to humanity,’ pledges to take action ‘by 2020’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden calls climate change ‘the existential threat to humanity,’ pledges to take action ‘by 2020’

PML: During his latest presser in Palo Alto, California, President Biden delivered remarks about climate change. He claimed his most important commitment “by 2020 [is to] have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over and simultaneously reduce emissions to blunt climate impact.”

Governor Gavin Newsom (D) introduced Biden’s remarks about California, saying that he wanted to “brag a little bit” about the state.  MORE

21 Comments on Joe Biden calls climate change ‘the existential threat to humanity,’ pledges to take action ‘by 2020’

  1. With all the people fleeing California, that should reduce the strain on their electric and water providers…unfortunately, they are all moving to red states and increasing demand for the rest of us.

  2. Thank God the false religion of Climate Change has over taken the false assertion that all whites in America are white supremacists and the greatest existential threat to humanity.

  3. I’ll never forget during the 2020 campaign, biden* promising a young girl that he was effectively going to regulate her generation back to the early 1800’s.
    She was too young and dumb to bitch smack him upside his fucking moronic head.
    Millions of Americans are just as fucking dumb yet they don’t have youth to blame.

  4. from what I have read, the national archives has ‘cleaned up’ what he said in their transcription of his speech ramblings. It wouldn’t be the first time that such a thing has been done, and it certainly won’t be the last. I’m curious how they can do that, and who gets to pick the new date they will use? How is that legal? He said it, and history should record it as such. Otherwise it is fake.
    You have to ‘trust the science,’ but you can’t trust your own eyes or ears, according to them.

  5. This poor old chowderhead made the speech in the right place. California’s only claim to fame left is fake stuff… movies… and they’re killing that with more fake stuff… tranny and woke shit… so pretending that Biden isn’t catastrophically mentally damaged by senility goes right along with pretending climate change is caused and controlled by mankind. It also goes right along with pretending Biden is the president.

    The key to all the crap going on right now is this: They teach the narrative and you pretend to go along with it so you can function in the freakshow the narrative describes. Repeat and reinforce, repeat and reinforce, and eventually you have not the slightest idea what’s real and what’s just pure arrant nonsense.

    Then they have you where they want you, simply going along with whatever the newest line in the narrative says. The boot will stamp the willing face forever.

  6. Criminal, traitor, inveterate liar and demented, grinning imbecile shakes his big, bad Climate Change Voo Doo stick at the sky for no apparent reason! The more Joseph Stolen shouts “CLIMATE CHANGE” the more real he thinks he can make it.

  7. Treason? Where, what & when? The treasonous bastard’s trial is coming up. Current military on going exercises are to enforce the peace when he gets his prison sentence.

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