Joe Biden Can Murder With Impunity, According to Nitwits – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Can Murder With Impunity, According to Nitwits

Stilton’s Place

Joe Biden’s political future is still open, much like his gaping mouth and the zipper on his pants.  But Democrats still think that it’s critical that he beat Donald Trump in November, due in no small part to the Supreme Court’s decision that it’s perfectly okay for presidents to do absolutely anything. A situation which would almost certainly make Trump into a modern, blood-drinking, all-powerful orange Caligula.

The Supreme Court decision did not, of course, do anything remotely like that. Only idiots would think otherwise. But the Venn diagram showing “idiots” and “liberals” overlaps so much that it looks like a single circle.

Based on the Court’s decision, The Huffpost has declared that Biden can now legally murder Trump, others have suggested that Joe Biden use his presidential power to fire cruise missiles into the conservative Supreme Court, and “wise Latina” Justice Sonia Sotomayor has declared that the ruling means that a president is now a “king above the law.” A chilling warning that reminds us that we really shouldn’t give lifetime appointments to nitwits.

More HERE including a special message from the DNC

ht/ mm

12 Comments on Joe Biden Can Murder With Impunity, According to Nitwits

  1. Funny post at Stilton’s Place.

    “…Democrats are reasserting their intent to vote for Biden even if he’s legally shown to have the mobility of a barnacle and the mental capacity of a sponge cake.”

    Most Democrats don’t have “the mental capacity of a sponge cake.”

  2. He indeed HAS murdered people with impunity, and will murder many millions more.

    With the Jab, with illegals, with emboldened criminals, with the destruction of medicine, law, education, and infanticide, he murders daily, hourly, among the people he took an appaeently false oath to protect. And with our tax dollars paying for the weapons he arms Muslim fundamentalists and Ukrainian Nazis alike, so he kills internationally.

    And when the Communism he supports and protects comes to full fruition, millions will die of deliberate, systematic starvation even as the troops are ordered to imprison and slaughter any who complain.

    Make no mistake, this fraudlent president and very evil man CAN and DOES and WILL murder with impunity.

    But not because of any court or any law,

    But because hes doing the will of his Communist masters who wish it so.

  3. E v e r y t h i n g that dumocRATz do, or want to do, they project onto Trump!
    … and you ain’t seen nothing yet! Just wait until they don’t get their way in November!!

  4. I’ve been reading Stilton since the Ø years. The site is updated infrequently but it’s definitely worth stopping in now and then to see what he has to say.

  5. These fucking progressives are so fucking tiresome. It’s non-stop hysteria, lying, gaslighting, perversion, and evil with them 24/7. My God, we’d be colonizing Mars by now if not for these worthless, screeching, scamming, schizophrenic fucktards from Hell. They truly need to be dumped in a single state, have a wall put around that state, and never be let out again.

  6. Only fascist and totalitarian regimes consider assassination an “official presidential act”.
    Yeah, so taking out a political opponent according to the left is reasonable.
    These sick, evil bastards love the thought of immunity to commit crimes and atrocities at any opportunity. That has never been the case under the U.S. Constitution.

  7. Bidet is responsible for every attack, physical or economic, by failing to keep invaders from walking in to America. . . and then giving them everything FJB can grab from taxpayers.


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