Joe Biden Claims He Talked to GHOSTS – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Claims He Talked to GHOSTS

No joke!

23 Comments on Joe Biden Claims He Talked to GHOSTS

  1. Good thing he has no conscious or he’d be hearing from the ghosts of all the Americans he murdered and all the children he raped instead.

  2. We all know that Brandon talks to spooks all the time. He not only talks to them and they talk to him, but they do whatever he wants them to do, too, if it’s the same things Oblowme wants them to do, of course.

    Joe Biden is not and will never be president. The election was a fraud.

  3. How about 2008 when joe’s daddy told him to get Uncle Frank a Purple Heart and Uncle Frank protested saying he didn’t deserve it?

    Daddy died in 2002 and Unclr Frank died in 1999.

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