Joe Biden Even Lies About Burgers – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Even Lies About Burgers

Independent Sentinel- Joe Biden, the leading 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said that In-N-Out is the Whataburger of Delaware, despite the fact that the In-N-Out chain does not operate in Delaware. He made the comment when he went to Whataburger with failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke on March 3rd.

Joe just says whatever. He sounds like the expert as he describes the non-existent. WATCH

28 Comments on Joe Biden Even Lies About Burgers

  1. I’m in California, home of In-N-Out (not POS CT).

    When that pony-faced demented dip-shit Biden lies about In-N-Out, it is war!
    Reason #2,050,356 not to vote for this human turd.

  2. The thoughts that amble through his brain and bubble out his mouth bear no relationship with any sense of reality as the rest of us understand it.
    He has existed in the fictitious, duplicitous, amoral “land of politics” for the past 47 years and lost any grasp that he may have ever had with America (or Earth, for that matter). Lies are the vernacular. Exaggeration the norm. Euphemism is substituted for clarity and plain speaking for the protection of all. When the entire milieu is composed of ravening beasts hiding behind handshakes and grins, one becomes inured, and accustoms oneself.

    Joey has chosen Hell (as have the others) and he only appears ridiculous to us. To the BSs, Fauxahontases, Butterbutts, Bloomers, Beanos, and Obolas of the world he seems perfectly normal – because HE IS normal in their world.

    The greater your ability to deceive, the higher you climb. Clinton’s sycophants bragged at what an “exceptional” liar he was.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He probably just mistook Delaware for California. Joe doesn’t really know where he is anymore, what he is running for, where his wife is standing… But should a young female child be nearby watch out!

  4. Just wait until Joe finds out In and Out is still posting Bible Verses on it’s cups and wrappers. A Double Double Animal Style is about all I can choke down right now. Love that place.

  5. But Trump is the BIGGEST liar for stating he bought Clemson “hamberders.” He was ripped a new one by the Twitter mob for lying because clearly he had purchased hamburgers. He lies so often, stating hamberders was an “effortless lie.”

    Golly, they got him good on that one. *eyeroll*

  6. …Joe’s theme song…

    “White ones and red ones
    And some you can’t disguise
    Twisted truth and half the news
    Can’t hide it in your eyes

    Lies lies lies yeah
    Lies lies lies yeah
    Lies lies lies yeah
    Lies lies lies yeah”

    “Lies”, Thompson Twins

    …well, ANY Democrat, really, it’s what they do…

  7. Dang! Now, I’m Jonesin’ for a Whataburger Sweet & Spicy Bacon Cheeseburger. If you’ve never had one, do whatever it takes to make it happen. You’ll be glad you did.

  8. @MJA: I also hate in n out fries. I have been told that the trick is to ask for them to be double fried. I have never tried it. Their fries are truly sub par, I would rather skip them.

    Beto’s table manners, though. Holy crap. He is talking with a great wad of food tucked into his cheek. Yikes! Then, he goes to take a bite of food by lowering his head to his food, rather than lifting the food to his mouth. Is he an animal? People with bad table manners gross me out.

  9. MJA

    I’m not big on fries. I’d order a Double Double Animal style and donate the fries to the pigeons. Or just not order them. The Animal Style fries are a meal by themselves. Except no meat. Not cool.

  10. Poor Lazlo

    Check out MJA’s link.
    From the link
    “For times when you want to get a little bit dirty, go with the Animal Style. With a beef patty smothered in mustard before cooking, lettuce, tomato, pickle, extra spread and grilled onions, you will surely paint a pretty picture on whatever you’re wearing. Many people would argue this is the best fast food burger money can buy.”

  11. MaryJane: Fries “well-done, Animal” is the way to order them. On my first trip to Mexifornia I asked the manager of the I-n-O by my hotel to help me learn the language. She was very accommodating and even threw some stickers into my bag to give 55 year old me the full kid treatment. In 5 days I ate there 4 times.

  12. Wow, so bad brad and I have the same favorite burger it seems.

    On another note. I do wonder how Biden was able to eat across from ButtGiggles, the guy snarfs his food down in a really creepy way. Like a chipmunk trying to cram a sub sandwich down it’s gullet.


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