Joe Biden Gets Confused Again – Chief of Staff Asks Press to Leave the Room – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Gets Confused Again – Chief of Staff Asks Press to Leave the Room

BIDEN: “Ron, who am I turning this over to?”

RON KLAIN: “Thank you very much Mr. President, I think it’s time for our friends in the press to leave though.

28 Comments on Joe Biden Gets Confused Again – Chief of Staff Asks Press to Leave the Room

  1. First presidential press conference tomorrow.


    What day is it?

    What color is the sky?

    Who pooped your pants?

    Who is President of the United States?

    These are all very tricky questions that perplex football players going through the concussion protocol.

  2. Its’ not what he said that disturbed me…

    It’s his eyes…look at the vid again…the very end.


    Not good…I saw the same in my mom and now…in my boss…

    Yes we are fucked.

    Get ready for what what will come…

    And I am not even effing kidding around…

  3. Democrat game plan:

    1. 25th Amendment Dementia Joe (he’ll never know about it anyway)
    2. Arkancide Kamala (“Come check out the cool cockpit of this Russian bomber, President Harris”).
    3. Voilà – President Pelosi!

    (Cue The Twilight Zone music)

  4. @VietVet: I slightly disagree on the way Biden will depart. They will murder him and make it look like a “Right-wing domestic terrorist” shot him so they can pursue both gun control and cracking down on conservatives.

  5. Another question would be what would the concoction be that they’d give him to make him look somewhat coherent?
    I envision him saying something like turn earpiece down and I want me two scoops of ice cream now. Kabuki theater gone wrong.

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