Joe Biden Has An Idea To Screw With Trump – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Has An Idea To Screw With Trump


I’m going to miss Joe.

16 Comments on Joe Biden Has An Idea To Screw With Trump

  1. I will not miss Joe the retard, I won’t miss Valerie the terrorist, I will not miss Michelle Obama the fashion deva, and I sure as hell won’t miss the Halfrican.

  2. Joe: I hid all the pens from Trump
    Obama: Why?
    Joe: Because he’s bringing his own.
    Obama: ???

    [Writing the State Of The Union]
    Obama: So I’ll say the State Of The Union is…
    Biden: On fleek! Say it’s on fleek.

    Joe: Well Barack and Michelle said no, so I was wondering if you w-
    Hillary: We are not adopting you, Joe.

  3. As bad as Joe is, I love to tell whiney liberals that, had they chosen him as the candidate, they probably would have won.
    Shuts them down as their computer stalls.

  4. I loathe Joe Biden with the heat of a 1,000 suns.
    He is a serial liar, plagiarist, smarmy, snarky,know nothing, fake glad-handing BS artist, with a sub par IQ. And… speaking of hands, he can’t keep them to himself. I just want to live long enough to see folks like him, Hill & Bill, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Franken, Boxer, Feinstein, Frank, Cummings, Rather, Brokaw, A. Mitchell, and all the rest of the Commie coastal boomers die. I just hope I’m healthy enough to dance on their graves.

  5. I can’t believe Burden is/was our VP. So embarrassing. Here are two things he should be remembered for– abortion and tearing up people’s lives. Read about the latter at this URL.

    Be sure to read all the way to the end and also note that the link to the Delaware newspaper article on the same subject returns 404 — the article apparently removed.

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