Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved  – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved 


President Joe Biden reportedly laments he could be dead before Hunter Biden’s legal woes are resolved, fearing legal problems could worsen in future months.

Special Counsel David Weiss indicted Hunter Biden last week on three gun-related charges. The gun charges could amount to 25 years of prison time, though Hunter Biden’s lawyers claim the charges against him will be dismissed before trial.

“The possibility of a federal indictment of Hunter Biden stunned the president,” according to several people close to the president, the New York Times reported.

After the indictment, the president and First Lady Jill Biden became “resigned to the fact that Hunter’s legal problems will likely worsen in the months ahead,” a source close to the Bidens told NBC News.

More charges could “soon” be brought against the president’s son for tax violations, according to the Washington Post.

“Biden, 80, has even since lamented aloud that he might be dead before his son’s case would be resolved,” the source told NBC News. more

43 Comments on Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved 

  1. Oh my! He’s actually displaying his dysfunctional family trump card (emotional blackmail) to the entire world? “This could be your grandma’s/mom’s/dad’s/grandpa’s LAST Christmas with us, so you better show up!”

  2. I would rather he lived long enough to experience the utter humiliation that will come when the mountains of evidence is presented and it’s seen by everyone what a despicable piece of shit he has been. Then he can die.

  3. Joey doesn’t deserve to be buried at Arlington. His body would only be a large stench on hallowed ground that he’s not entitled to. Bury him in an unmarked grave with no record of his existence ever and being the worst President that the United States has ever had.

  4. geoff the aardvark WEDNESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023, 12:27 AT 12:27 PM

    “Bury him in an unmarked grave with no record of his existence ever and being the worst President that the United States has ever had.”

    …feed him to wild hogs so he ends up as pig shit on the forest floor.

    Don’t wait until he dies to do it, either.

    The hogs don’t mind.

  5. Joe Biden Laments He Could Be Dead Before Hunter Biden’s Legal Woes Resolved

    Cool! We’re all here rooting for the same outcome Biden! Make it happen! However, I want you and Humper to be jailmates, the two of you can reminiscence about the past and lament how you almost pulled it off.

  6. the sheriff is near WEDNESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023, 14:15 AT 2:15 PM
    “anon @ 1:18: make it an open casket burial with a gravity flow toilet”

    …the only problem is that the casket will be filled with human excrement BEFORE anyone uses it for a toilet.

  7. Not gonna miss the fake pResident and/or his crackhead son. Their exits, sooner than later.
    They have no idea after death their next stop is an intensely hot, pitch black Hell for eternity.


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