Joe Biden Plagiarizing Again – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Plagiarizing Again

Joe Biden will not stop making boners and gaffes because he is a natural born douchebag.

He had to abandon a run for the presidency in 1988 because of overstating his academic career and for plagiarizing a speech.

Now he’s plagiarized from a non-profit organization.

The guy is a moron.


The climate platform of former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden appears to have lifted wholesale language from environmentalist nonprofits without attribution.

The similarity in language was first spotted online by Josh Nelson, the vice president of progressive and environmentalist cell phone company CREDO Mobile. “The paragraph in Joe Biden’s climate plan about carbon capture and sequestration includes language that is remarkably similar to items published previously by the Blue Green Alliance and the Carbon Capture Coalition,” he tweeted Tuesday morning.



5 Comments on Joe Biden Plagiarizing Again

  1. this, obviously, wasn’t penned by Biden … which makes the case that Biden’s whole team is as moronic as he is!

    … isn’t it also obvious that the whole (D)Rat party is a collective of morons?

  2. Never forget that Paul Ryan, Romney, McCain et many other traitorous RINOs bowed to Biden (some, for DECADES).

    Now’s the time to compile clips of all his collaborators showering compliments and praise on this POS.

  3. Poor ole Joe
    See how he runs
    He ran right up to the farmer’s wife
    She cut off his tail (tale) with a carver’s knife,
    Did ha ever see such a thing in yer life
    As poor ole Joe?

  4. He basically exposed himself as a complete moron during the Vice-Presidential debates, I don’t know why we need to beat a dead horse, don’t people know what a fraud he is by now?


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