Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Whether or Not He’ll Pack the Court: ‘Would You Shut Up, Man?’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Whether or Not He’ll Pack the Court: ‘Would You Shut Up, Man?’

PJM: In a particularly tense moment during the first presidential debate on Tuesday night, both Chris Wallace and President Donald Trump pressed Democratic nominee Joe Biden to answer whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court if he won the presidency and Democrats took the Senate next year. As Trump pressed Biden, the Democrat said, “Would you shut up, man?” and added, “This is so unpresidential.”

Wallace noted that Democrats, not President Donald Trump, brought up the issue of packing the Supreme Court.

“Are you willing to tell the American people tonight whether you will support ending the filibuster or packing the Court?” Wallace asked.

Biden began to circle around the issue, dodging the question. “Whatever position I take in that, that will become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You’re in voting now. Vote and let your senators know…”

“Are you going to pack the Court?” Trump pressed.

Biden repeated himself, “vote and let your senators know…”

SNIP: which is the same non-answer Kamelot Harris gave when Lawrence ‘stop the hammering’ O’Donnell asked her.

“Are you going to pack the Court? He doesn’t want to answer the question,” the president added. more here

8 Comments on Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Whether or Not He’ll Pack the Court: ‘Would You Shut Up, Man?’

  1. It’s comical… normally the left is shameless enough to lie, but their voters have gone so far left, Biden’s afraid to lie about it out of fear of a backlash from his own side.

  2. That’s the response that tell’s you he doesn’t know who’s listening so he’ll remain neutral, so he’s playing us and doesn’t want us to know his position. It’s a zero answer coming from a zero.

  3. Talk about unprofessional temperament for a POTUS!! Between telling President Trump to shut up and call him a clown! How is he going to behave with foreign dignitaries and leaders when negotiating difficult situations. Rhetorical question, of course…but if I’m not fully sure of my Biden vote, I’d have to be wondering!


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