Joe Biden Sleeps 12 Hours A Day – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Sleeps 12 Hours A Day

h/t Jason

14 Comments on Joe Biden Sleeps 12 Hours A Day

  1. In Realville 7:90 AM would be 8:30 AM. Or in military time 7:90 PM would be 20:30, that would really confuse them. Joey is turning into Rip Van Winkle with all his napping and LID’s, Rip Van Winkle was only fictional joey is not, he’s totally fake (and a flake as well) in every aspect of his being.

  2. Only trouble with this imitation is that this guy did not have the dead stating glare of an Alzheimer’s patient and he made it through around five minutes, making more sense than the fake president.


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