Joe Biden stated that he will not agree to testify in the Senate’s impeachment trial as part of a witness swap – IOTW Report

Joe Biden stated that he will not agree to testify in the Senate’s impeachment trial as part of a witness swap

“The reason I would not make the deal, the bottom line is, I — this is a constitutional issue. And we’re not going to turn it into a farce, into some kind of political theater. They are trying to turn it into political theater. I want no part of being any part of that.” MORE HERE

18 Comments on Joe Biden stated that he will not agree to testify in the Senate’s impeachment trial as part of a witness swap

  1. Slo-Joe actually claimed that no one has suggested that the Bidens did anything wrong? No, anyone who has listened to any news believes the Bidens were corrupt – even CNN and MSNBC have been unable to block all of the allegations and evidence of Biden corruption. Heck, there’s even a book about the Biden corruption that is a best seller on Amazon already – even before it was released.

    People “advising” Joe need to sit down and have a heart to heart with this guy. The genie’s out of the bottle, and even if the Democratic media lapdogs have some success in burying this story and Joe gets elected, the American public is in an impeachment mood. If Biden cares anything about the United States (yes, I had trouble keeping a straight face when I wrote that), he would retire from the public eye.

  2. 5 minutes of Joe attempting to convince a crowd that he’s not corrupt is all the proof I need to know Joe is absolutely corrupt. His only proof that he’s not corrupt? Well, he released his tax returns of course! All his corrupt deals mean nothing!

    Hmm.. maybe Trump should release all his tax returns. According to dem logic that means impeachment is off the table and he’d no longer be considered corrupt. The dems would step out of his way and let him run the country unobstructed! aaaahahaha.

  3. “I want no part of being any part of that.”

    Not only does want no part of it, he wants no part of being any part of it. In case it wasn’t clear that he was being clear about it.

    I would dearly love to see this addled derelict be a part of it.

  4. So.
    What’s the Constitutional issue, Joey?
    Splain it to us. I’d love to hear Joey explain a Constitutional issue – ex tempore.

    Where the fuck is the press?
    Is it possible that they are actually more ignorant than Joey?
    Is that even possible?
    When Schumer was blathering his bullshit yesterday about how stunning Schitt’s performance was, no one asked him: “Since Schitt’s been caught in a multitude of lies, why should the Senate give him any credence, whatsoever?”
    But they just drooled over him while bobbing their heads.

    Regardless of the outcome of this impeachment charade, without serious realignments the Republic is dead – a Republic cannot function on lies – and, of course, the Demonrats, Academia, and Media are well-aware of that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Not agree to testify?
    Too fu***kin’ bad.
    Get served a subpoena.
    DON’T show up.
    Then get arrested by the Federal Marshalls.

    Can’t wait to see THAT happen.
    I’d record it and put it on a loop, giggling like a little school girl the entire time.


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