Joe Biden Suggests He Turned Out as Many Black Voters as Obama in 2008, 2012 – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Suggests He Turned Out as Many Black Voters as Obama in 2008, 2012

Breitbart: Joe Biden suggested on Monday he was just as responsible for ginning up turnout among black voters in 2008 and 2012 as his former running mate, President Barack Obama.

The former vice president, who has engendered strong backing from black American Democrats in his quest for the presidency, made the comments during an interview with Politico on Monday in Iowa. Biden was questioned about his relationship with Obama amid reports that the former president does not believe his campaign lacks an “intimate bond” with voters.

Biden responded by saying he did not ask Obama for his support, despite running as the former president’s legacy candidate, and would not do so even once the race narrowed. He further added that he did not need the endorsement and that former president was not as crucial to putting together the vaunted Obama coalition as many believe. In particular, Biden suggested he deserved just as much credit as Obama for ginning up black turnout in states like Pennsylvania, Colorado, Virginia, and Florida.

“I was the one who was sent in,” the former vice president said. “And the reason was because all the polling and data showed that I had those relationships with the base of the Democratic Party as well as African-Americans. And so I did as many African-Americans events as Barack did.” read more

12 Comments on Joe Biden Suggests He Turned Out as Many Black Voters as Obama in 2008, 2012

  1. Corn Pop and Sugar Bear … or was it Corn Pone and Honey Bear? Sometimes I can’t remember different stuff ……. but I no they liked rubbin my legs and seein the blond hares all stand up an shit ….. we’d be at the the the the the the the pool, an stuff, and and and and and and and they ewere sum bad dudes!

    Anyway ….. uh …….. anyway ….. aw shit …….


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