Joe Biden Tries to Make a Point About COVID-19 Cases, Makes Himself Look Bad Instead – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Tries to Make a Point About COVID-19 Cases, Makes Himself Look Bad Instead

PJM: It really does amuse me when politicians try to make a point and end up making themselves look bad instead. Joe Biden seems to be a master at this. On Saturday evening, Biden tried to make a point about how bad the number of COVID-19 infections is, and, without realizing it, made himself look really awful.

“The United States just passed 5 million reported infections of COVID-19,” Biden tweeted on Saturday. “It’s a number that boggles the mind and breaks the heart. Each time the number goes up, it represents a life altered, a family stricken with anxiety, a community on edge. It shouldn’t have gotten this bad.”

Yes, 5 million is a large number. And if that’s the metric Biden wants to use, let’s talk about it.  But something tells me that Biden really doesn’t want to. Why? Because he apparently forgot that this number of infections is actually less than 1/10th of the number of infections of H1N1 (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic. Who was in charge then? Oh yeah, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. more

11 Comments on Joe Biden Tries to Make a Point About COVID-19 Cases, Makes Himself Look Bad Instead

  1. “Because he apparently forgot that this number of infections is actually less than 1/10th of the number of infections of H1N1 (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic. Who was in charge then? Oh yeah, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. ”

    …well, that just proves that diseases be rayyyciss, because it was trying to take a Strong Black Man™ down, and WE just weren’t gonna ALLOW that, and YOU’RE rayyciss for bringing it UP, doxxing on the way because, racist and, White Supremacy and, Orange Man Bad, and reeeeEEETTTT!

  2. I’ve been calling him Jackass Joe for quite some time, but I beginning to think about changing that to Coyote Joe as in Wile E. Coyote! This jerk goes around lighting fuses only to wind up having shit blow up in his face …. or having the proverbial Acme anvil land on top of him!
    Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnd just like Wile E. Coyote, he never learns!!
    Pass the popcorn please!

  3. We (conservatives) were talking about Barky & Joey’s abysmal response to H1N1 months ago. Crickets in the media then, and nobody in the media is going to mention H1N1 now. Not even a “Dude, that was, like eleven years ago.” They’ll just black it out completely. And Social Media will ban anyone who MiSrEpReSeNtS ThE FaCtS AbOuT 2009 H1N1 if it starts trending.

  4. Sen Ron Johnson, head of a senate committee, has started an investigation into fbi malfeasance on russiagate and also joe biden.

    Right before the election. How is it that my first thought is that he wants a big investigation in the news before the election which will promptly be dropped right after the election. As always, not a chance in hell that any important dem or deep stater will spend a day behind bars.

  5. Remember back in March when that steaming pile of shit we call a governor predicted that there would be 25 million cases in California. That’s right. 25 million cases in CALIFORNIA! Don’t hear much about that anymore. Anyone involved in this shutdown can go fuck themselves.

  6. Joe suffers from what the Germans call – Verschlimmbesserung = Disimprovements. Or actions that are supposed to improve something, but ends up making it worse, instead.

    Joe doesn’t make himself look bad, he reveals himself to be awful. Joe fails to make himself look good every time he tries to.

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