Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in eight years while vice president – IOTW Report

Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in eight years while vice president

WaEx: When Joe Biden addressed the Ukrainian parliament just four days before he stood down as vice president, he managed to joke about the frequency of his visits.

“Mr. President,” he said to Petro Poroshenko, “I may have to call you once every couple weeks just to hear your voice.”

The 24-hour visit in January 2017 was the sixth he had made in office; his fifth as the face of Barack Obama’s policy to Ukraine following Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Those visits are back in the spotlight as impeachment investigations rock Washington. Congressional committees are sifting through President Trump’s dealings with Poroshenko’s successor Volodymyr Zelensky while Republicans punch back with questions about Biden’s work in Kiev. read more

10 Comments on Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in eight years while vice president

  1. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s last trip to Ukraine was made just four days before the end of the Osmidgen Administration. No Vice President in the history of this country has ever gone overseas for any reason during the transition period from one Presidential Administration to another one. What was so vital that Obiden had to hurry over to Ukraine? Humper and his money laundering comes to the forefront of my mind. Quid Pro Joe was obviously up to something corrupt and illegal, but he can’t remember the details.

  2. @Marco — Yes, that is noteworthy and very suspicious. The VP’s main job at the time of transition is to be at hand and MEETING with the incoming president, vice president and whoever else is in the president-elects’ transition team. That is not merely a dictate of tradition, but very real and necessary reasons exist for that.


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