Joe Biden’s Biographer Throws Him Under the Bus – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Biographer Throws Him Under the Bus

Red State: …there’s nothing empathetic about Biden’s demeanor, and now, the president’s own biographer is confirming that.  MORE

21 Comments on Joe Biden’s Biographer Throws Him Under the Bus

  1. Half the country seems to be content that Shitpants Potatohead was fraudulently installed as POTUS. That’s the Biggest F..kin’ Deal.

    Even immediately throwing him into a woodchipper won’t change that.
    My country contains horrible gangrenous parts.

  2. Pedo Pete is aware off an irrefutable audio tape that will end his residency in the WH. According to Newsmax it will be released before Halloween and he will have to resign.

    That is why Pedo Pete is just absolutely fuckicg off now. He knows the end is near. Prepare for Cackless McCunt to *step up”…

  3. The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey is a symptom.
    A physical manifestation of the evil that encompasses the entire world.

    The “Press?”
    The Judiciary?
    The Federal Agencies?
    The Law Enforcement community?
    The Spooks?
    The Armed Forces?
    The Legislature?
    The Several States?
    The Churches?
    Civil society’s mitigating Institutions?
    The “educational” system?
    The Media?
    Wall Street?
    Madison Avenue?

    All corrupt, infested with cowards, and/or totally disinterested – just grabbing portions of the carcass.

    The next generation (or the one after that) is going to pay Hell to re-assemble a Republic based on our God-given rights – or they will be consigned to a world descended into that dystopia Orwell described as a “… boot stamping on a human face – for ever …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You guys are so mean and ignorant. President Biden has had a lifelong tourette’s empathy stutter, which can appear as coldness, callousness and inappropriate humor.

    And the journos already told us that when he’s an abusive asshole towards his White house underlings, it’s only because he expects results from people who aren’t quite up to his standards, so let’s cut him some slack, okay?


  5. The Retarded Pedophile Usurper is corrupt, venal, a known criminal, a known traitor, a known pedophile, a known briber of foreign officials with American taxpayer dollars, a known facilitator of Big Pharma’s genocide, a known oath-breaker, and a known racist.

    So … why?

    The DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, every Federal AG, Judge, state AG, state Judge, DHS, Marshall’s Service, SS, and every other Law Enforcement Agency in the Country KNOWS the facts – but no one does anything.

    If there was ever any wonder how a guy like Hitler could take over “the most civilized country” in Europe, we now have our own evidences, and are following in National Socialist Germany’s footsteps.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white dude)

    God will not deal lightly with us.
    (I am, of course, assuming)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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