Joe Biden’s Campaign Volunteers Are ‘Quitting in Droves’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Campaign Volunteers Are ‘Quitting in Droves’

What Campaign? LOL.

mostly because they’re angry about Biden’s failure to call for a ceasefire in Israel.

17 Comments on Joe Biden’s Campaign Volunteers Are ‘Quitting in Droves’

  1. ThirdTwin,

    You are so correct, the jungle drums are beating out the Wookies name.

    My apologies for the visual, but the Manchelle Demonrat masturbation fantasy is just beginning.

    The only difference I have with most is that Dorktor Jill has been in on this from the jump.

    The Pedo was installed as a one term ValJar wrecking ball to create as much havoc as possible.

    The wide open border, the hyper inflation, the rampant crime, all the evils destroying America were prescripted for Manchelle’s coronation.

    Think about it, the senile fucker has been on vacation for almost half his residency and efforts 4 hours or less while pretending he is on the job.

    His pick of the retarded commie child was deliberate also, they wanted someone that could check all the boxes but would present no threat to assume the mantle and run as an effective successor.

    A vapid, imbecilic juvenile like Commielier was perfect, she presents zero threat to the Wookie who looks like a vertible genius by comparison.

    She was picked to pardon the entire Biden Crime Family and step aside with all the lifetime benefits abd millions in dark hush money to boot.

    Pedo McDipshits entire term is just one big fat middle finger to America.

    He will be out, Commieliar issues the pardons as placeholder. Manchelle gets the coronation. The fix has been in since day 1, only the Lord God Almighty can save us now.

  2. I gave them too much credit thinking it was because they didn’t want to work to elect an Nazi. Turns out he’s not fascist enough for your activist democrat. Kind of scary wonder what tyrannical agenda their preferred leader would have if Joe isn’t vile enough for them already.

  3. Cisco Kid, there’s been a lot of buzz about black people souring on the senile husk and threatening to vote for Trump. I don’t believe it, but’s got to concern the Predisent’s puppeteers, who need enthusiastic urban foot soldiers to run the election fraud in key districts.

    I used to scoff at the idea of Mooch even running, because she’s thin-skinned and lazy. But Biden has proven that you don’t have to campaign to win, you don’t have to be on the job in DC to be President and you don’t have to answer any questions. I see four to eight years of heavily airbrushed magazine covers in the grocery store checkout line.

  4. If anyone but trump gets sworn in as president blood will flow in the streets. I’m not advocating this, I’m simply stating a clear prediction of an undeniable fact.

  5. need more protesters. volunteers are not needed in the executive branch as all branch’s are now untouchable. the 2 tiers of justice are now complete. notice the lack of consequences for upper and lower classes. soon all will recognize how crime pays. one class of criminals is where we are heading. news last night saw a sign on phone pole encouraging loot free for all. more people are taking part in the wealth transfer by force and in organized numbers. with the debt numbers and war machine wheels constantly turning, i do not think they need our tax base to survive. remember the debt is ours, not the government. enslaved.

  6. Don’t need em, the fix is in. Nuttin for them to do. The “Other” guy is all they need, one couldn’t ask for a better campaign ad than someone who cuts (with dull knife) his own throat.


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