Joe Biden’s favorability now considered ‘malarkey’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s favorability now considered ‘malarkey’


GOP USA: Uh-oh. A reality check could be on the horizon for a certain former vice president who recently vexed Republicans and conservatives after he declared American policy “embarrassing” during a speech in Germany. Democrats may be cooling towards him as well.

” Joe Biden’s big lead in early Democratic 2020 polling might be a bunch of malarkey. While most polls show the former vice president hovering around 30 percent of the Democratic primary vote, well ahead of second-place Sen. Bernie Sanders, two recent surveys paint a starkly different picture — raising the question of whether Biden is a real front-runner or just has big name-recognition. Those polls show far more Democratic voters undecided about which candidate to support, and they pegged Biden’s backing at a much less intimidating 9 to 12 percent,” writes Steven Shepard, chief polling analyst for Politico.


He cites new findings from Democratic pollster Bold Blue Campaign and an ABC News/Washington Post poll.

“These polls are today’s reality. And sometimes, today’s reality holds until tomorrow and all the way until next year. And other times, today’s reality changes. Primaries are like that,” Democratic pollster John Anzalone told Mr. Shepard.

Others wonder.

“Is Biden really the best answer for the party? There is good reason for Democrats to be skeptical and to consider supporting other candidates,” writes CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer.


“Most problematic is the fact that Biden has run for the presidency several times, and each time he has struggled under the intense spotlight. When it comes time to hit the campaign trail, Biden has never been able to generate the level of support that is necessary to win. His tendency to make gaffes has also hurt him. And, in our frenzied news cycle with endless outlets and few filters on information, Biden’s style will cause problems again,” he said.  read more


21 Comments on Joe Biden’s favorability now considered ‘malarkey’

  1. He only got to the VP spot by affirmative action.

    Left to his own white privilege his only use would be for yet another waist of libtard money. That’s a good thing but even your libtard will see it that way so this one is dead before his first fund raiser. Sad, but not really.

  2. This is how far we’ve gone…the most embarrassing symbol of American politics is a solid contender.

    Pray for the children who weren’t aborted by the left. The others? God has taken them home.

  3. ” And, in our frenzied news cycle with ENDLESS OUTLETS and FEW FILTERS ON INFORMATION, Biden’s style will cause problems again,”

    That is both an admission by Fake News that in the past they coordinated and controlled ‘information’, and that they have now lost that ability to control.

    Count that as more WINNING.
    Suck on that Biden, you dumb jackass!


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