Joe Biden emerged from his Delaware basement bunker last week to deliver his first speech since leaving office and virtually no one noticed.
Since leaving office in January, Biden has only popped his head up to give a pre-recorded message for the DNC’s winter meeting.
Biden delivered a speech at the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) last week and not one media outlet covered the event.
The most popular president in US history who garnered 80 million votes in 2020 gave a speech after leaving office and no one cared or even noticed.
Oh, pedo.
Around minors, of course.
Wonder if the SS still cuts some “Sniffems” out for him.
…Send his Auto Pen out.
Thats the REAL star of the show…
Old Joe has reached peak irrelevance. Let’s go Brandon!
You know it’s bad for your Party when your ILLEGALLY ELECTED Ex-president pops hos head out to flap his gums and not even one member of the MSM bothered to attend.
I can hardly wait to not watch it.
I look at it this way… the entire fukking democRAT party is a fractured freak show and when THEY don’t even turn out for the pig-eyed, sour, demented, kiddy-sniffing, baby-biting, mean, drooling, one-handed slack-jawed meatslapping, half-witted, evil, creepy bastard who showered with his daughter and pimped out is own son… well that’s about as low as it gets!!
“ The most popular president in US history who garnered 80 million votes in 2020 gave a speech after leaving office and no one cared or even noticed.”
Gosh, it’s almost like he didn’t really get 80 million votes.
Even 50 million votes for a complete grinning imbecile scares the shit outta me!
If the media won’t even give him the time of day can you imagine what DNC donors will give him?
In the famous words of Edwin Starr: Biden! What is he good for? Absolutely nothin’!
(use a little imagination here folks 😉 )
Didn’t click.
I’m dumb enough already.
Still running circles around the democrat party.
…be careful with Pedo around high school girls. He’s got a history there, too…
“The cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college,” he said. “They are amazing. You think I’m joking. You think I’m joking. They’re almost all gymnasts. The stuff they do on hardwood, it absolutely blows my mind, thinking, you know, they’re up there without a net. You know?”
…this to a bunch of 16 yos…
All the money that was spent to bury Mr Peanut, who way WAaaaaaY past is Due Date.
That funereal extravaganza could’ve/should’ve been a two-fer !!!