- Former Vice President Joe Biden has a history of racially inflammatory remarks.
- Biden in the 1970’s opposed desegregation busing, which he claimed “codifies the concept that a black is inferior to a white.”
- In 2007, Biden’s campaign stumbled after he attributed Iowa’s educational successes to the lack of minorities in the state.
- Biden sparked backlash in 2007 when he praised Obama for being an “articulate” black politician.
Stand up Joe…
oh my god, put your pants on.
At least from those cited above it appears that he was mostly hurt by his honesty.
Some of the others notsomuch.
I’m just here for my chains fitting.
Well, maybe he can run for Governor somewhere…
Who’s going to manage and work at 7-11’s that Americans don’t want to manage or work at?
How about the “gaffs” where Traitor Joe exposed the formerly top-secret government fallout shelter. Or the time he revealed Seal Team Six that resulted in their death. Funny funny stuff.
Please let it be Joe. He was able to get as far as he has in his political life because Republicans have always been the party of polite. If we don’t hammer him on it the MSM will never hammer him on it. Those days are gone as long as Trump is POTUS. Trump will pound Joe harder than our troops pounded the beaches of Utah & Normandy. The only one who won’t realize how bad it is for Joe will be Joe.
You mean, grabbing little girls isn’t *enough*?!?
Anti-Biden campaign ad: a montage of all the kiddie fondling video clips. Might be longer than 30 seconds.
@ Good General: No problem for any (d) party pol. Might be a campaign asset…
Never forget this gem,,,
“the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
2020 – Yes let it be Joe please!
Didn’t Biden host the Secret Service in the former slave quarters on his property?
Then charge them for it.
Gropin’ Joe ain’t alone here. I got a little book of Liberal Lies from former Senator Elbert Guillory. a black man, who left the democrat plantation years ago. Here is what he has to say about democrats:POTUS Woodrow Wilson Democrat; “The white men were rousted by a mere instinct of self-preservation- until at last there has sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan,a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”
POTUS Harry Truman D: “I think one man is just as good as another so long a he’s not a n*gger or a Chinaman.”
LBJ. of Great Society fame, 1965: “I’ll have those n*ggars voting Democratic for the next 200 years,”
POTUS Bill Clinton: ” A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee.” (To, I think, Mario Cuomo)
“…a ‘light-skinned African American (Obama) ‘with no Negro dialect,unless he wanted to have one.” Senator Harry Reid D-Nevada.
“You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook,man.” Joe Biden (D) describing Obama.
There is more but I’m sure you got the message.
BTW. I send Elbert Guillory a few support bucks now and again. He’s trying very hard to get his folks out of the plantation
Elbert Guillory
228 S Washington Street/ Suite 115
Alexandria, VA 22314