‘Joe Biden’s stupidity is now a threat to the West’ – IOTW Report

‘Joe Biden’s stupidity is now a threat to the West’

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the “stupidity” of US President Joe Biden is now a “threat to the West”.

19 Comments on ‘Joe Biden’s stupidity is now a threat to the West’

  1. got news for ya pal … the stupidity of Joe Biden is a threat to the World

    Xiden (actually the people that handle Xiden) will pre-emptively strike Israel before they’d strike Iran … & forget retaliation vs. China for any aggression they take against any other nation, including US

  2. Remember these assholes will do anything to get your compliance. No one but their devout idiots want to attend anything they have to share.

    One thing arrogant self righteous asshole control freaks can’t handle is ridicule. Remember back in the days of WWII. We did just that and afterwards for years. Mock them with truth.

    The American people deserve to know a hell of a lot more about everything. After all, we are paying for it all with progressive assholes at the helm since forever getting super rich undermining all we do with our support.

  3. Fred. Spot on. I just saw that Biden is going to ban Menthol cigarettes. Well, I work with a world-class dipshit Lib who puffs down 2 packs a day of Pall Mall heavy menthols. I can’t wait to ask him what his new flavor is going to be. 🤣🤣

  4. Biden went from being the stupidest Vice President in history to being the stupidest President in history.
    But don’t say he was elected.
    The Democrats en masse successfully stole the election. FACT
    And now the country, the West, the Free World will suffer from some large scale catastrophe yet to come, and there’s no one in charge to lead a proper intelligent response.

  5. Treason is the worst crime. It’s pure evil..What betrayal is worse than pretending to share in one’s plight while working to destroy all one knows to be true and just…? That’s some pretty selfish shit. That is why historically, in all nations, treason is treated harshly.

    I hope I live to see the day my countrymen finally understand how vulnerable man is to tyrants, and we escape this ruin. The Constitution was a big risk over the Articles. Jefferson, and others were just to be worried.

  6. The problem with liberals and democrats is that they don’t want any people to be independent to think or work for themselves as they grow into a community, They need you to believe that you need them, they need you to be dependent on them. Because if you’re not, then they know there’s no need for them, and that doesn’t fit their agenda.
    They’re like the needy parent that doesn’t want you to leave and go out in to the world to grow and learn and meet other people that they’re afraid of themselves, so they create this grand illusion that it’s a scary place out in the world and if you leave they won’t be able to help you if there’s any trouble in your life.

  7. Not to mention the democrat crime syndicate that stole a presidential election, with the culpability of the Supreme Court no less. To bad the righteous are preoccupied with not causing a scene.

  8. Most of the present-day Democrat cartel seems to have morphed into a loose association of parasitic power-racketeers, in national political control of organized crime in all walks of life, both Public and Private.

    They toil night and day manipulating Us to BELIEVE their propaganda, to HATE Our beloved Country, and to TOLERATE it out of existence, without most of Us not actually realizing it.


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