Joe Bidumb Late For Speech and Offers Ridiculous and Embarrassing Excuse – IOTW Report

Joe Bidumb Late For Speech and Offers Ridiculous and Embarrassing Excuse

15 Comments on Joe Bidumb Late For Speech and Offers Ridiculous and Embarrassing Excuse

  1. His elevator doesn’t stop on every floor.

    He pushed “B” because he thought it was for “Biden”.

    He was trying to find the 13th floor so he could report to his master satan.

    He likes to push big, red buttons. That’s why they keep the “football” closed.

    He wanted to use the little phone in the little door to call Santa, who he’s pretty sure was the guy at the Vatican.

    His Secret Service mommy had to stop the car for a diaper change.

  2. How sad and pathetic for the United States of America to be represented by this senile, demented, ignorant, clueless, spit-in-you-face, old bumbling fool who was put into office by rigged election along with the eat-up-with-stupid Commie toes-up Harris.It is unbelievable just how far we had sunk into the swamp.

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