Joe Crowley Not Giving Up the Race – IOTW Report

Joe Crowley Not Giving Up the Race

Bernie-broad Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her outrage at Democrat Joe Crowley for switching to the NY Working Families Party and running as a third candidate in the 14th New York House District.

Ocasio-Cortez took exception to Crowley’s unwillingness to concede the race and angrily accused the long time house member of betraying democrats and NYWFP party members by continuing to run for congress. More 

13 Comments on Joe Crowley Not Giving Up the Race

  1. There’s nothing like walking into the bodega, grabbing an iced covfefe, chopping it up with everyone behind the counter + appreciating the dude who’s blasting “Fox News saying Crowley not giving up the race” through his backpack speaker.

    In this small moment, nothing else matters. Today is a good day.

  2. Remember that bitch MurCOWski ran as a write-in candidate in Alaska after Joe Miller beat her handily in the 2010 primary. She went on to win the general. Never underestimate the stupidy of the electorate.

  3. I have no interest in seeing Crowley win,
    but I’d truly love to see the AOC twat lose.

    side note: I’m beginning to prefer the Brit pronunciation of “twat” – rhymes with “rat”. Somehow it seems more insulting but less vulgar.

  4. I remember when I was so pissed that Lisa Murkowski won on a write-in campaign when she had originally said she would not run. But she did run when a Tea Party guy won the nomination.

    But I don’t care that Cortez is whining. I’m just glad the Dems are finally doing what the stupid Rs do all the time – FIGHT AMONGST THEMSELVES. Have at it.

    Edit: Jethro! That will teach me to comment before reading all the other comments! GMTA!


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