Joe Dan Gorman’s Cookout – IOTW Report

Joe Dan Gorman’s Cookout

ANNOUNCING! 4th Annual Frogleg Cookout, Aug 1- RSVP ASAP

Intellectual Froglegs – Lieper’s Fork is a beautiful 25-min drive from Nashville in the FREE State of Tennessee— it’s absolutely free to join us, but everyone pays for their own food and drink.

IMPORTANT: please RSVP (click the link at the website) by July 20, 2020 so we can properly prepare.

WHEN: Saturday August 1, 2020 [1-5 pm]

WHERE: Puckett’s Grocery, Lieper’s Fork, TN MAP

GPS ADDRESS: 4142 Old Hillsboro Rd, Leiper’s Fork, TN 37064

COST: FREE to get in. Approx $20 per person for food and drink.

Airport: Nashville International Airport

Where to Stay: Any type of Hotel, Bed & Breakfast, RV Camping you can imagine in the Nashville area.

Adult beverages will be available. Consume wisely


Here is my write-up from last year.

I would like to go again this year, but will wait to see if any of you plan to attend. It was a fun party and I met a few people I’d like to see again, but I’d rather meet up with some of you for the rest of the weekend.

39 Comments on Joe Dan Gorman’s Cookout

  1. I went to a “cook out” once in Tennessee hosted by an Army pilot. The place had an undiscovered (by FED’s), antique, hooch distillary on it deep in the woods. Very impressive. Go to Tennessee, witness a little history first hand!

  2. Last year I promised myself to go this year, but this year cancer got in the way. Go WHEN you can peeps. Doubt I could make the trip this year to flash my white sparse crew cut. 🙂 would have loved to camp out around there and meet up with you all.

  3. I just wrote checks for mortgage, mom’s quarterly stipend, and a bunch of miscellaneous expenses. The second over range microwave went out.

    I’m feeling empty pocketed. Had that replaced.

    Now I gotta get on an airplane to go full across the country to visit with 87 year old mom. Car rental.

    Hemorrhaging money.

    But would love to attend. We’ll see.

  4. I couldn’t go last year because I was undergoing cancer treatment. Looks like I might live – for a while anyway.

    @PHenry – you could ride with me and money is not an issue. Maybe we could pick up friends along the way. Anyone between NY and TN. It’s an SUV, seats 5 comfortably.

  5. Best wishes on a positive outcome @stirrin the pot.
    Damn. Old age just gets harder. I was hoping to dial it back at 65. Saved. Did the right things.
    But I am terrified of an old age in poverty.

  6. That’s sweet and generous of you @gladys.

    This announcement just caught me at a low point.
    I will be fine. Appreciate your offer.

    My property taxes went up and my freedom went down.
    King George didn’t have anything on Ralph Northam.

  7. Thanks PHenry. I have a cancerous cyst on my left kidney, and have to have the kidney removed. Not what I had planned for my retirement years – which I’m not even close to being at.

  8. I will say this about iotw gatherings however.
    We may not be able to get to Tennessee, but were able to gather a fine group in central VA last year.

    I can’t speak for everyone, but a captive audience put up with my dad jokes and I bought the first round.

    So, if people want to assemble it’s doable

    You just need an organizer to pull it off.
    We had a fine time.

    We didn’t pack the Tulsa arena.

    OK. That’s a thousand miles away.

    Mini gatherings are just as good. Maybe better.

  9. @PJ – I got too wrapped up in my own issues to notice yours. Prayers and best wishes to you with your cancer. Here’s hoping that we all continue to keep following and posting on iotw for years to come.

  10. Speaking of meeting each other after just reading comments and doing a little back and forth – it’s terrific! I met with tctsunami and his girlfriend a few weeks ago and it was like we were old friends.

    I want to meet with all of you! I’m with Miss Kitty; if I win the lottery … wait. I have to play the lottery in order to win. Never mind.

    Gladys (and anyone else) who want to organize a drive share to the cookout (or plan to stay at the same hotel), email me at and tell me where you will be coming from. I’ll try to match you up with another person(s) from the same area. Also, put COOKOUT as the subject.

    It sure would be fun to get together!

  11. Claudia
    Since we are on the subject of the lottery, it’s funny the other day I found some old lottery tickets of my Grandma’s going through family item’s, so I decided I’m going to play these numbers. Haven’t checked them yet, but you never know.

    I’m off now to watch the Unashamed Podcast on YouTube, if you could use a laugh or some lessons on Scripture it’s a great watch. It’s geared toward men, but I enjoy it.

    Have a good night everybody. 🥱

  12. @C- with all due respect to Dan, I would rather drive out and meet YOU and talk about chicken coop restorations and meet your sisters.

    We would bring the tool boxes and labor, we have two teenagers do you need help?? Summertime camp??

    Aunt C! ;>)

    I am not kidding here!

    @Gladys – upstate NY? Have C send us your e-mail.

    We could gather. There are four of us.

  13. Damn. Send those teenagers out to Arizona.

    They will be returned to you sometime in the fall 20 pounds lighter, several shades darker, and with an abiding intolerance for seat belts, holsters, and, beans in chilli.

    Oh, and I suppose they’ll have learned to drive a skid steer, pour concrete, um…. dig dirt and lay bricks….

    Once the drywall is up and the fireplace is in the barn, gonna’ need to keep them until Halloween when we turn the barn into the haunted barn and scare small children for fun.

  14. @Aaron Burr – not this summer, but next one or two, they hear my stories about the Grand Canyon and getting bit by a scorpion and all so we’ll get out there.

    Get the F-100, 1970ish, ready for my purchase and pickup.
    That is ‘part and art’ of the deal of the visit?

    Oh, one burns too easy, but we work.

  15. stirrin the pot JUNE 21, 2020 AT 9:50 PM

    Cut out my right one and threw it in the slop bucket about twenty years ago. No problems related to it since. You only need one.

  16. That’s it? A 70’s f150?….. hope you have enough 50 cent pieces.
    Got a extended cab long bed with a camper shell….down the road is a 1950 f100.. nice 76 4×4 down in Benson for 3500…

    And I’ll take the teens next summer. They’ll know enough about horses to understand why glue is the ultimate killer app when we’re done.

    The pale kids just gonna’ have to wear tin foil or something. Arizona weather’ll kill you. Literally. If you’re not careful.

  17. Oh yeah, I live about an hour or so from the canyon. I’ll show the teens the “secret” entrance to the canyon. Sure, Injuns charge 60 bucks a car but you get right to the river.

  18. I have never been to Havishu falls so…maybe that is the spot to meet at, minus the local Kayenta gas station??

    AND maybe, that is where we do the F-100 transaction first then we can go to Camp Aaron Burr.

    Is there a mess hall and church?? Phantom Ranch cooked one amazing steak before the scorpion bite!

    We could also meet at the Canyon de la Challey.

  19. Just give me a budget. I’ll go find you a non rusted truck. Pick a year, short bed, long bed, 2 wheel or 4×4. Then you pay the guy and I’ll drive it to my workshop where I’ll fix and restore it to your specs.

    Literally so bored right now I’m rewiring muh barn. Plus, Dale from shipping is on vacation somewhere so it’s pretty slow right now.

    PRO TIP: with the advances in LED lighting technology, it’s super cool to buy 30 dollar chandeliers off craigslist and hang them in your barn.

  20. Budget?! We’ll be showing up like its the Grapes of Wrath,
    Bronx style of course.

    Don’t worry no wife beater shirts or anything of the sort…camp does have standards…and the hot sun is brutal kinda like ya said…

    This is what I think of when it comes to the southwest:

    Dave Grusin, The Milagro Beanfield War:

    The 10,000 Maniacs, The Painted Desert:

    Play that last one as loud as you can take it.

  21. Guys – ‘there were so many stars they seemed to overlap?’

    Thanks Ghost, great song and thanks Aaron B. Is this communal thinking and is that okay? Meaning why not congregate together as like minded thinking people?

  22. No…… I live at 5500 feet. It snows. Pine trees. So we drive uphill to G.C. (take the train from Willimas) to get at 7K feet, or, the rim of the canyon.

    Showing up grapes of wrath style….from the Bronx….

    Hooooollleeeee hannah…. work on your inside voice and don’t ask for the location of “a nice Jewish deli” and this might work.

    So basically you want the extended cab (seats 5) with the camper shell. No problem. I would have gone for the 50 short bed myself, but to each his own.

    Does Casa Del Burr have food? I’ll teach your kids how to make mouth watering ribs, teach them how to cook with lard, show them the proper way to make popcorn with coconut oil, your house will smell like Mesiko’ every Tuesday night.

    Church? I’ma Catholic myself (as said of my Plantagenet ancestor “wonderful Churchman, horrible Christian) but we have enough Protestant places as well. My fave is the Mormon Church. I never go in. I just love their lawn. The only one bigger than mine in town. Love those people. So tidy.

    Winter is the time to go to the Canyon. It’s super tits on fire awesome. North rim in summer.

    So that’s it. I’ll go dig up the paper work on the giant 76 extended cab and let you know.

  23. Thank you MISS KITTY.

    GLADYS,I pray you remain cancer free.

    STIRRIN THE POT, thank you. Prayers for you. Recuperate fast please. Don’t want people thinking we are a bunch of sicko bass turds. 🙂

    p.s. I might kick this cancer stuff…but will probably be on Immunotherapy for years if I do kick the cancer and my veins recoup. Finished all my chemo. Had the max treatments. More testing in two weeks.

    Love you all. If we all don’t get to a meet up, I imagine God will introduce us to each other at a big meet-up in His Heavenly Dimension.

  24. @Aaron Burr – one time when going to the GC out of Flagstaff and when we went to the GC once in March and drove in a snow storm to the Canyon.

    Awesome white snow stuff.

    Up WAY too late! BUT the Canyon is the Canyon…

    But now that I saw, @PJ- that was great!

  25. Cancer? Eat a clove of raw garlic after a meal once every day. drink milk while eating. Yes, it sucks. But you get used to it and all it does is boost your immune system…and some other junk….probably good for you…meh.

    Now ghost, hang on a second… you suuuuuure you don’t want a 74 4×4? It’s been abandoned so you’d have to apply for an abandoned title at some point.

    It looks pretty grapes of wrath.

    Think about it…. come out west…drive home all Ma’ Joad style… I’ll add spark plugs to the exhaust pipes so you can shoot flames out them at no extra cost.


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