Joe Dan’s Cookout Report – IOTW Report

Joe Dan’s Cookout Report

Joe Dan, me, Wild Bill

Joe Dan Gorman held his 3rd Annual Intellectual Froglegs Cookout last weekend. I’m here to report to you that, if you have ever wanted to attend this soiree, make plans to go next year. Hanging out for four hours with like-minded patriots, meeting patriot celebrities that you have admired for years, eating great food and laughing, cheering and laughing some more will be a forever-treasured memory.

I arrived early (just my thing – hate being late) and the place was already buzzing! Walked in, looked around, spoke to a few people, then saw Joe Dan holding court with a couple of people. I hung back watching and when he had an opening, I said hi. Told him that I had a message for him from BigFurHat. His face lit up and I told him that I was Claudia from iOTWr and he said, “You are Claudia! Hey, everyone, this is Claudia!” to whomever was standing around. Of course, my face turned all red. Then I gave him Fur’s message. Fur said to say “hey” and tell him something else (I won’t say what because I don’t know if he wants what he said to be told yet). Joe Dan says “Hey” back atcha, Fur, and he asked me something about what you said, so I’ll email you about it.

Then he asked if Mr. Pinko was going to make it. I told him that he had tried to arrange his schedule, but I didn’t know if he would. He then gave me a message to tell him, which I will during the next US & Eh! Show. Now that I have a phone that won’t die after five minutes, I’ll call in to deliver Joe Dan’s message. 😉

It was so easy talking to him, but I didn’t want to take up more time as I knew others wanted his attention. I went back to my table and met a couple from Florida. We talked and laughed and, having education as a mutual interest, started talking about Common Core. I met quite a few more wonderful people and finally connected with BigMamaTea, who sometimes comments here and we follow each other on Twitter.

Joe Dan’s special guests were also accessible and hung out with everyone talking, taking pictures and had a few moments where they gave a little talk with some presentations. His guests were: Wild Bill for America, A. F. Branco, and Gretchen Smith of Code of Vets.

At one point, Branco drew a cartoon Nadler to auction and the proceeds would be given to Code of Vets. My new buddy won the auction and will hang it in his office. Branco then drew two more, the last one being Hillary behind bars!

As the party was ending, we exchanged Twitter and email info to keep in touch. I’m so glad I went and would encourage anyone who has thought about going – do it. You won’t regret it.

My new buddy talking with A. F. Branco
Gretchen Smith talking with Joe Dan

Edit: I just emailed Fur with Joe Dan’s response to his message and told him the following. Thought I’d add it to this report:

I would go again, but I think I’d rather go with someone, because after the party, I was on my own. Not that I don’t have a problem with being alone (I just went sight seeing around the beautiful countryside), but I would have liked to share it with someone. Maybe next year I’ll see if there will be some people from IOTWr that will meet up there. We could all stay at the same hotel and party all night (well, till bedtime for us old folks at least, hehe).

29 Comments on Joe Dan’s Cookout Report

  1. Claudia,
    I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it. My daughter is pregnant with our first grandchild and she really needed to spend some time with me on Saturday, so she was priority. Glad you had a great time and hope you were given a wonderful Tennessee welcome!

  2. You can bet that I will be there next year because it’s in my back yard. I hope that other iotw commenters (and founders?) will be there, it would be a great opportunity to meet the gang (the good gang – the iotw gang – not the thug hood rat kind of gang)

  3. Claudia, I de-pixelated your image (using a secret DOD algorithm) and afterwrds, the program estimated your age at 39.

    “…and party all night (well, till bedtime for us old folks at least, hehe.”

    Not buyin’ the “old folks” bit!

  4. How fun, Claudia! How many people would you say came this year? Geoff C. and I were considering it, but we’ve got quite a packed summer. Would love to go next year!

  5. So Miss C. are you going to do a different “Sunday Critters” this Sunday.
    So glad you had a great time.
    Meeting folks that you have known for some time is lots of fun, even if you only know them online.


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