Joe’s Last Solo Press Conference Went Long and Jill Got Pissed – IOTW Report

Joe’s Last Solo Press Conference Went Long and Jill Got Pissed

Daily Caller

Jill Biden confronted senior members of the president’s staff after Joe Biden spoke at a conference in January, demanding to know who was supposed to end the conference, The New York Times reported Monday, citing a witness to the confrontation.

Joe Biden answered questions for nearly two hours at the press conference, starting from a list of pre-selected reporters, and then opening it up to the floor, with one reporter asking about Americans being concerned about his mental health. More

14 Comments on Joe’s Last Solo Press Conference Went Long and Jill Got Pissed

  1. Jill: “You can’t leave that fukkin retard alone with those fukkin newsies!”
    Staffer: “All the newsies are on board the Biden Express.”
    Jill: “And did he shit himself? Did he rub his dick? Did he drool? Thank your lucky stars there weren’t any pre-pubescent girls in there! You people are supposed to be professionals!”
    Staffer: “The nursing staff was in the anteroom – ready with his shots.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I have said it before, I will say it again. Sit the fuck down & shut the fuck up, you dried up old bitch. You & your buffoon husband have wanted this position for your entire miserable lives. Now you have it, own it. The entirety of your family don’t even have a room temperature, combined. I’m surprised the old bastard was able to stand up for 2 minutes, let alone 2 hours. He must have been hopped up on the good stuff that day. He looks more decrepit with each passing day. Yet, you march him out in front of cameras everyday, where he makes a fool of himself & the rest of us by association. If you hate the staff for keeping the old fuck out front & center so much, he can resign & take you with him. You can then have the glamorous life of ice cream, changing diapers & tucking Joe in for his naps & we’ll be shut of you.


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