Joe Manchin( D- WV): Tlaib’s Impeachment Comments Were ‘Disgusting’ – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin( D- WV): Tlaib’s Impeachment Comments Were ‘Disgusting’

Daily Caller: West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin condemned freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Your World With Neil Cavuto Friday afternoon for her comments about impeaching President Donald Trump.

Just hours after being sworn into Congress on Thursday, Tlaib promised to go after President Donald Trump, telling supporters they were going to “impeach the motherf****r.”


“All right. We’ve got West Virginia Senator Democrat Joe Manchin with us right now. Senator, what did you think of that language?” Cavuto asked.

“So disgusting. It was horrible, Neil. No one should approve of that, and I hope she doesn’t talk to her son that way either. You know, what can you say? I can’t in any way condone that. That’s not how we act in West Virginia,” Manchin responded. “It’s not how we talk about public leaders. We might disagree with each other, but we try to get through it, we try to find a pathway forward.”

He continued, “To act like that is awful and to speak like that is even more deplorable. I am so sorry. I want to apologize to all Americans, any sitting Congressperson — there’s 535 of us there — 100 senators and 435 Congresspeople. We should have better manners than that, I assure you.”

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18 Comments on Joe Manchin( D- WV): Tlaib’s Impeachment Comments Were ‘Disgusting’

  1. I’ve considered Manchin among the most dishonest politicians in Congress.
    Acts like a conservative to get elected.
    Votes with the Democrats on every important issue.
    But we’re stuck with the hack for 6 more years

  2. Comments Were ‘Disgusting’

    Yet she’s one of Us. Because we say she’s in The Club. So, we’ll support her actions. All her actions. Because she’s one of Us.

    But don’t blame us. For what she made us do. Choose to do. That’s not who we are.

  3. Tlaib is a Palestinian; she is a filthy philistine in every sense of the word and her constituents are collectively too stupid to figure out how that harms them.
    Where is the MOSSAD when we need it?

  4. I for one am glad she has painted the target.
    Hey Liberals, is this what you are all about?
    Question was for liberals not Progs, we all know, they have no self-awareness.

  5. Someone brave needs to confront her and her sons and call the boys MF’ers. See if mom gets upset about it. Bet she would. Trump should tweet that this is the New Democrat party people, right there! All this has my blood pressure rising.

  6. yeah, and you got your senate seat by promising to
    “shoot down” obamacare, and then you voted FOR it…….being a west virginian, i will never believe another word you say, you POS….

    FOAD…..nancy pelosi scares you sooooo much, you have to live on a boat, and are afraid to come home here to face the people who elected you, on account of WE HAVE GUNS…..

    POS …….ESAD…..the sooner the better……

    am i angry??….am i disgusted?????……you decide

  7. oh, and joe manchin never ever said the MF word in his LIFE…..

    at least, not on tape, i’m guessing…..

    cause of i’m pretty mfing damn sure he says it every day – off the record……POS


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