Joe Manchin Says He’s Pro-Life But Won’t Appoint a Justice Who is Pro-Life – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin Says He’s Pro-Life But Won’t Appoint a Justice Who is Pro-Life

Manchin is a PLINO- pro-life in name only.

This is a weird stance-


Despite a key meeting with the president and a history of supporting the pro-life movement, U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginiamay oppose the confirmation of a pro-life Supreme Court nominee.
A Democrat and a key swing-vote senator, Manchin discussed his recent meeting with Trump and his vision for Justice Anthony Kennedy’s replacement in an interview with MetroNews.
Manchin stated in the interview that he is pro-life, but confirming an overtly pro-life Supreme Court nominee could make waves and further divide Americans. [like they aren’t ALREADY???]
“I’m pro life, but I know how (abortion) divides our country  [<< PLINO!]…If he picks somebody that’s hard core on Roe v. Wade or that’s hard core on repealing health care (Affordable Care Act), that’s a bigger rift.”  He also stated that it was a “red flag” if a nominee was openly in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.
ht/ PRO-Life means just that. No waffling, Joe


13 Comments on Joe Manchin Says He’s Pro-Life But Won’t Appoint a Justice Who is Pro-Life

  1. Manchin is a weasel, just like Romney … will go conservative during an election cycle … then turn Establishment & vote for The State™️ during his tenure …

    ‘beware of geeks bearing gifts’

  2. I remember during the Obama administration hearing Michael Medved saying that it would be wrong for Republicans to fight for defunding Murder Inc, er, Planned Parenthood because that would cause a government shutdown and people would blame Republicans. In other words, we stand for what we believe in, just not enough to fight for it.

  3. The single most conniving Democrat in the Senate.
    Always talks like he’s almost gonna join the Republican Party.
    Almost there.
    ALWAYS votes with the Democrats on EVERY SINGLE CRUCIAL VOTE!
    Please flush WVA!

  4. He’s perfected a Andy of Mayberry persona, but good old boy Joe is a dirty snake. And his daughter is a no-good POS too.

    Term Limits in the near future or else there will be torches in the streets.

  5. shit like this is why PDJT got elected. We know why Trump is bringing the SCOTUS so fast. Its to expose even more of the creatures from the deepest parts of the blackest lagoon.

  6. Let’s rephrase that:

    “I’m personally opposed to murder, but I would never impose my opinion on someone who wanted to commit murder.”

    There, Joe, I hope that helps to clarify your view.

    izlamo delenda est …


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